In CHudMessage::MessageAdd() in message.cpp, there are two calls to
TextMessageGet() which is an engine function. I have not yet been able
to get this function to return anything but NULL.

In my gamedir, I have a file called resource/gamedir_english.txt
(substituting gamedir for the game I'm making) and it contains the

"Language" "English"
"Game_Arena_Joined" "You joined an arena."

I used this code to display the message:

UTIL_ShowMessage("#Game_Arena_Joined", pPlayer);

To no avail. It's like it's not there. I also tried messages from HL2,
like #Valve_Reload_Weapon #HL2_Chapter1_Title and #GameUI_ReverseMouse
but they didn't work either. Furthermore, when the game is loads it
displays in the console: "Parsed 23 text messages". 23 text messages?
None of the files it can parse from have 23 messages. None of them have
any less then 24 messages. The default SDK files have four messages.
What file is it parsing here? The number of messages does not change
when I add and remove messages from gamedir_english.txt so I assume that
the engine cannot find that file altogether.

To make things worse, the default SDK's messages file is called
sampleapp_english.txt and contains the following:

਍笀 ഀഀ
"Language" "English"
਍∀吀漀欀攀渀猀∀ ഀഀ
"hl2_AmmoFull" "FULL"
"SDK_Shotgun" "Shotgun"
"SDK_MP5" "SubMaschinGun"
"HL2_Saved" "Saved..."

I'm pretty sure that is not a valid messages file, and it doesn't help
me at all. It's not even similar in format to what it's supposed to be.

I would think that this would stem from a problem with the game
directory being set incorrectly, but everything else in the game works.
Maps, textures, models, everything works fine. Furthermore, it works for
other mods like Dystopia and GMod. It irritates me that such a simple
thing is not working. Can anybody help in making this work?

Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez

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