One way to fix stuck on object, is to cover over the areas where it apperas with a 'player clip' brush - it stops the hit box geting stcuk, and the phiscs sytem is then happy.
As for the other items you litsed, I dont know where to start looking for answers, other then loading up the hl1 sdk, and look at gamemovemnt.cpp Adam --- Tim Lippert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello Gentlemen, > > I'm Tim "SoUlFaThEr" Lippert of the Kreedz Climbing > mod. I'm glad I finally got the opportunity to find > this secret "Guild", hehe. Theres 2 things that are > killing my mod that I nor my coders understand and > we need a bit of advice. Tom > > Background: > Jason Houston of BG2 had begun coding for us in our > early stages and did some movement changes. My point > for making the mod was to reproduce, as closely as > possible, the movement physics of CS1.6, which is > where the concept of the kzmod had originated almost > 4 years ago(Kreedz maps). One thing that posed a > real problem was the stop that was enforced after > landing from a jump. Since my mod is principally a > jumping mod, this is very important for us to keep. > Jason made a few new cvars for us, so we could try > to add this stopping, but it's not the same as CS1.6 > at all, and we now think it's actually causing more > problems then it is helping(might be using totally > the wrong methods, thanks Garry). We have > kz_fricmin, kz_fricmax, and kz_frictime. With these > 3 things, we are adding friction to the player to > create this stop, over time, and also a release of > this stop, over time. Neither of the variables we > are able to perfect as it is in CS1.6, but the stop > itself is really close.! > I'm SURE there is another way but we don't have > access to CSS code of course. Speaking of CSS, it > does have the stop we need pretty much, but does not > have the ugly "wall bug". It is crucial for the > success of the game, however small, that we solve > this wall bug problem. > > This is the wall bug from the eyes of a non > programmer(me): > > When we are standing on these small blocks attached > to any type of walls(straight, horizontally or > vertically slanted, displacements), and begin > running forward with our shoulders against it, we > get "client stuck on object xxx" until we get off of > it, or it might even stop on its own. It makes the > screen jitter. It happens in the air too with any > sort of contact, but, also not all of the time. It > happens on lan or Internet servers, but with greater > numbers of appearances on Internet servers. In the > end, it makes us fall, which is like a trap you hate > to be in when you just successfully jumped 400 > times, without a mistake, on a very hard map, > wasting 30-40 minutes, and fall because of some > invisible hands that do not want you to jump to the > end. Its making people leave the game and since > release we cannot fix it! > > Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the > "book" I just wrote because most of your things are > short spoken. > > Thanks, > Tim Lippert > > ______________________________________________________________________ > XXL-Speicher, PC-Virenschutz, Spartarife & mehr: Nur > im WEB.DE Club! > Jetzt gratis testen! > > > > _______________________________________________ > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view > the list archives, please visit: > > > -------- My Website Lead Programer NightFall Developer of CST and ZHLT 3.0 Team Lead - Prime - Website TBA... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around _______________________________________________ To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit: