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So I haven't been having much luck with getting something remotely close to 
what I want happening to work.  Basically, I'm trying to attach the Kleiner 
model to the shoulder of the player model.  I found out from Tony that I should 
do a FollowEntity( pPlayer, false ) and set the origin and angles of the model 
before I call FollowEntity.  Unfortunately, no matter where I set the origin of 
the entity, the feet of the model are always stuck at the feet of the player 
model.  I'm still kind of confused as to how FollowEntity works, and if I 
should be using that on the client or server.  My ultimate goal would be to 
have the Kleiner model's hip area appear to be stuck to the player's shoulder, 
and have the model be a client side ragdoll, since the model is supposed to be 
hanging limply over the player's shoulder (if you've ever played Science & 
Industry, this is the part where you have the players carrying the scientists). 
 But for right now, I would be
 satisfied just to get the model unstuck from the player's feet and in a 
position of my liking.

Any help would be appreciated,

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