Sounds like the linker is discarding those symbols because analysis has
determined they are unreferenced. Linker option /OPT:NOREF ( sounds like it
might fix the problem, if it works. I believe there are still some symbols
that won't be included even with /OPT:NOREF. In that case, the only thing to
do would be to force the linker to include the symbols that aren't being
linked, for example:

#pragma comment(linker, "/include:symbol")

...I think you'll find that thought this makes rebuild faster and makes your
project look tidier, it's not really worth the hassle. Instead you should
structure your code so that you don't have to modify the base classes in the
SDK very often. During my normal work on BMS entities, F5 only compiles the
files I changed (linking will take the same time for both of us).


On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 4:44 AM, Mark Chandler <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Got a problem i cant figure out and i hope the collective minds on the
> list can give me some help. With GES i have split both the client and
> server project files up into two projects. One of which compiles in to a
> lib and has the sdk code and needed libs (this only needs to be compiled
> once) and the other has the custom ges code and compiles the sdk lib
> into the dll file.
> Now this has reduced compile times to seconds (and rebuild times in to
> 10's of seconds) how ever i have one problem. It seems some of the
> receive table code is not being linked into the final dll file. Does any
> one know a trick to get it include as atm it produces mismatched tables
> when trying to make a server:
> Mark
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_BaseDoor'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_BaseGrenade'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_BaseParticleEntity'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_BasePropDoor'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_BaseViewModel'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_BreakableSurface'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_Corpse'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_DynamicProp'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_EntityParticleTrail'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_EnvScreenEffect'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_EnvScreenOverlay'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_FogController'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_HalfLife2Proxy'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_HL2MPGameRulesProxy'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_Barnacle'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_ParticleSystem'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_PhysBox'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_PhysBoxMultiplayer'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_PhysicsProp'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_PhysicsPropMultiplayer'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_PhysMagnet'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_Plasma'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_PropCombineBall'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_RagdollManager'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_ScriptIntro'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_SpriteTrail'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_TEHL2MPFireBullets'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_WaterBullet'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_WeaponFrag'.
> DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable
> 'DT_WeaponPhysCannon'.
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