I'm currently doing anaglyph. How to move left and right along the x axis,
my shader moves along the axes xy as correct?

sampler BaseTextureSampler : register( s0 );

HALF4 main( HALF2 ZeroTexCoord : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR
float left_pos = 0.008;
float right_pos = -0.008;

float4 left = tex2D(BaseTextureSampler, ZeroTexCoord + left_pos);
float4 right = tex2D(BaseTextureSampler, ZeroTexCoord + right_pos);

float r = 0.7*left.g + 0.3*left.b;
float g = 1*right.g;
float b = 1*right.b;

return float4(r, g, b, 1);

Sorry for my English because English isn't my native language.
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