Yes, AdminMod works with HLoH, probably because HLoH replaces the hl.dll on
the server, instead of being named differently like in Oz (mp.dll in pre
2.4 versions of mod; 2.4 is now hl.dll) and Severian's (sev.dll).  I've
been using AdminMod with HLoH for months now, it's a nice compliment to the
features of HLoH.

Digitally yours,

Ketwyld the Hawk

HL DeathMatch -
HL OZ DM      -
HL TeamPlay   -

Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
Si hoc legere scis, nimis eruditionis habes.

At 16:45 10/01/2001, you wrote:

>Yeah - OZ has some great configuration options, but I've had too many
>stability problems with it. I'm running sevarians to see how stable it will
>be, but I must admit I like the HLoH fetures better - Severians doesn't have
>much in the way of stuff you can configure, most of it is hard coded. I
>might switch over just to see how it works - hmm, maybe admin mod will work
>with HLoH? It doesn't work with either OZ or Severians.

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