So where's the "simple" solution??!! :)


Jay Carter
Turbo 6 Power Administrator

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Munoz
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 5:37 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] VAC Update?
Importance: High

My solution is simple. However, time and resource consuming. I currently
have 18 Admins to cover 3 24/7 servers. Most are regulars who have undergone
a training and trial process before getting their privileges.
I run a HLTV proxy, setup just to record demos. It runs 24/7 and creates a
new file for every map change. I have a scheduled task that runs winrar and
compresses them to a new folder. The file names of the winrar files are
dated so they are easy to find. I have 2 forums on my website for what I
like to call "Disruptive Players" a public one and a private Admin only
version. The public one you can see here.
I have a specific format that I ask players to post the complaints in. I
also prefer that the complainer make a demo of their own, saves me from
having to search through GB's of Demo files. Depending on the situation I
will review the demo using the time and Steam Id to first find the event in
the log files then review the demo. This happens rarely. Usually My Admins
pay attention to the forums and are on the lookout for the "Disruptive
Players" and will ban as needed. I merge and propagate my banned.cfg to all
3 servers at least weekly. I also keep track of the Banned players in
Spreadsheet with their Steam ID's, names and IP address. My ban list is at
least 100+ long by now, I haven't counted them lately. The people who end up
getting permanently banned were either real jerks or cheaters. Anyone who
wants a copy of this list to add to their banned list is welcome. I had an
even larger list of WON ID's before 1.6. probably around 250 wonid's.

I personally banned at least 6 people in the last week. I have demos of
course so when anyone bothers to contest the ban decision I have proof.
Generally my servers are pretty well run and organized, with a minimal
amount of Admin abuse and cheaters. People like to play there. The main
server is usually Packed 24/7. The servers are for fun, not competitions.
Lots of Plugins and other fun things.

{MC} Paradise CS Server - (Main Server)
{MC} Paradise CS Anarchy Server - (the name says it all)
{MC} Paradise CS Extra Server - (just that an EXTRA
server, takes up the slack when main is full)

Mike ParaDOX Munoz

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] VAC Update?

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of K. Mike Bradley
> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 10:55 AM
> Subject: RE: [hlds] VAC Update?
> Yes you are.
> Right now Hackers rule just about any server they want.
> Secure servers too.
> Most who use hacks are obvious and get banned.
> It's the stealth hackers. The ones who are good at not getting caught.
> The wall hacks and aim bots.
> When I want to play I go thru 5 servers before I find one w/o Blatant
> hackers.
> It's really bad right now.

Believe me, I know how bad it is. I ran a WON server for about 9 months and
I was banning several people every day by June of this year. The last week
that my server was up, a guy I trusted enough to make admin was banned by
HLGuard and disappeared. Funny thing about that is, he banned more people
for cheating than I did. That's the last person I will ever trust.

As someone already mentioned, the "smart" ones just turn the hacks on long
enough to maintain the top score. Almost every single one started to suck
really BAD as soon as I started spectating. usually they left the server
before I had a chance to be sure that they were cheating. They always swore
up and down that they didn't cheat.

Despite all the cheating going on now though, think of how bad it would be
with no VAC. I have to believe the situation is WAY better than it was on
WON, and after all, the ones who get caught DO get banned.

It'll never be perfect just because there will always be kiddies who are too
stupid or too lazy to have ever accomplished anything in their lives, and
therefore desperately crave the adoration of fellow gamers. I'll never
understand it, especially when it's adults.

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