This is true.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Owen T. Soroke
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 5:53 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] VAC Update?

There is also a problem with talented gamers being kicked/banned from
servers because everyone "ass"umes they are hacking. This is not always the

-----Original Message-----
From: Whisper . [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] VAC Update?

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

Ok Ok calm down.

Its not 75%, but it is a significant percentage, even 1 in 5 = 20% or 1 in
10 = 10%

In any case, the blantant hackers are not the problem, they are easy to
catch, do not rquire vast amounts of administrators time to prove that the
person is hacking, and generally do not play competitive Counter-Strike.

Its the try hards who use hacks to remain competitive because they are not
really that good, or cannot put the time and effort in to practice enough to
be good, are the ones that are the most damaging, especially when using them
in competitive Counter-Strike Games, where significant prizes maybe on the

They know how to configure their hacks correctly, also know how to hide the
fact that they are using hacks.

When I have tested hacks out, the wealth of information that even a simple
wallhack will give you is phenomenal. The reason why, is that even for the
best players, it always takes time to a)realise that there is an opponent to
be shot, then b) taking the time to actually aim at the opponent.

If you have a wallhack, you have 20-20 hindsight vision as you know exactly
where your opponents will be, and all you need to do is line them up to be
shot the instant that would become visiible.

Moreover the really good aimbots are like anti-recoil more than anything
when configured correctly, since aiming is a fairly easy task unless you are
completely inept, its the controlling of the recoil and bursting that is the
difficult part and keeping the crosshair on a moving target once you got the
opponent in your sights!

So an aimbot that only locks on once you have the crosshair over the
opposition model and then holds the crosshair on the opposition player while
you fire, just looks like a person who can aim and control a mouse very
well, and it can be extremely difficult unless you review lots of demos in
slow motion which can take literally hours to do (any of you have several
hours a day to kill just to view demos? I didn't think so!) just to prove
that the person was in fact using an aimbot.

Then add to the fact that any of you here who are any good know exactly what
its like to deliberately do a running strafing single shot headshot with an
AK-47 on a full health full armour opponent (well Im assuming they did have
this, since they just eco'ed 2 rounds after losing 2 rounds before that and
had colts so you would think they would be fully kitted out?!?!) while not
even having any hacks on your computer whatsoever, how much more difficult
it becomes to differentiate between a really good player and a decent player
using hacks?
In any case, VAC only seems to work well when it is being updated reguarly,
and it was my understanding that VAC had its own dedicated Valve Staff
member(s) which had nothing to do with anything else at Valve AND in any
case, would be more than a full time job anyhow!

Hacks are a problem, there is no doubt of that and there are enough of them
around that it is noticeable to anybody who knows what they are doing.

Hacks make life difficult for people who are actually good since playing on
pub is a complete waste of time and effort, since you either get out gunned
by the hacks or you get accused constantly yourself!

VAC not being updated reguarly is a problem.

VAC not allowing compatability with the only real other anti-cheat solution
available (Cheating-Death) just makes things all the more difficult for us
server admins who have large amounts of servers to administor!

What we need is a real anti-cheat solution, not just a band-aid solution
that gets updated irreguarly.
----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Re: [hlds] VAC Update?
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 12:34:41 -0400
um, no, it's not complete BS!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Spartibus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:06 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] VAC Update?
>>When I want to play I go thru 5 servers before I find one w/o Blatant
>That's complete BS. I pub at least once a day, and NEVER (and I mean
>EVER, not even in 1.3) did I go into more than 2 pubs in succession
>had blatant cheaters in them.
>Your assumptions are BS as well. 3/4 of the entire CS population,
>cheaters? It's FAR, FAR less than that. You are exaggerating pretty
>everything you say.
>The only possible way I can see you going into 5 servers and having
>**BLATANT** hacker in every one of them is if you join ONLY insecure
>servers. Why? Because insecure servers basically allow any and every
>cheat to work (and at full potential), period.
>You probably don't know this because you've never used cheats
>but VAC SEVERELY limits what cheats can do. I've used cheats before
>(hah), and let me tell you the difference.
>Insecure Servers: You can practically see people from spawn to spawn
>(wallhack), people are always on screen.
>Secure Servers: A lot of times the only time you see someone behind
>wall is if you see them out in the open first, and then go behind
>wall. Other times you have to rely on them making noise or moving a
>in order to be seen behind the wall. Also, you usually can't see
>from that far away, and the cheats are limited hugely by this
>it's still an insanely huge advantage, though).
>VAC has more purposes than just catching people cheating, it serves
>as a
>wallhack block as well.
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of K. Mike
>Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:55 AM
>Subject: RE: [hlds] VAC Update?
>Yes you are.
>Right now Hackers rule just about any server they want.
>Secure servers too.
>Most who use hacks are obvious and get banned.
>It's the stealth hackers. The ones who are good at not getting
>The wall hacks and aim bots.
>When I want to play I go thru 5 servers before I find one w/o
>It's really bad right now.
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dennis
>Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 10:29 AM
>Subject: RE: [hlds] VAC Update?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of K. Mike
>>Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 8:06 PM
>>Subject: RE: [hlds] VAC Update?
>>Lets face it .... VAC has been a total washout.
>>Each VAC update we get gives us four hours of no cheating ...
>>Valve does not have the programming resources to keep up with the
>>hackers who write this stuff for free.
>>All of the anti cheat detections have failed ... The hackers have
>Wait a I wrong, or doesn't VAC ban cheaters for one
>year? If
>this is true, then the cheaters are always being weeded out, right?
>when the script kiddies find new cheats not yet detected by VAC,
>still banned. Am I missing something?
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