This is a continuation of the subject of borked server lists. I start Steam.
I bring up the server list. I select OP4, no filters. I see....<drum
roll>....6 servers!

Refresh. 6 servers.
Refresh. 21 Servers
Refresh. Could not contact master game server to....
Refresh. 21 Servers
Refresh. 20 Servers
And at no time does my server appear on the list.

I fire up Kali. 25 servers, including mine.
I fire up GameSpy. 29 servers including mine.
I fire up GSA. 22 servers, including mine.

Now, before I run around screaming the sky is falling or Steam's server list
is broken, can someone tell me why my server is on Kali, GameSpy, GSA, but
*NOT* on Steams own server list?

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