I'm inclined to agree with you 100% there.  Dice and Epic are far worse,
far far worse.

- Bruce "Bahamut" Andrews

Matthew Davey wrote:

Just out of curiosity, are you paying anything to Valve; to make money off
of Valve's software? ... you know royalties and such ?

So essentially you are complaining about them providing you with an income,
based off of all their hard work (over the course of how many YEARS?) for

I never can understand when people rant on Valve and say this and that, I
have been working in the industry for over 4 years now, and you know what
... it's a fact of day to day operations that you have to deal with
problems, be it derived from your own internal operations or the influence
of external companies.

Valve is one of the better companies to deal with, as they do watch for bugs
being reported and do work on them as fast as they can. They may not make a
public statement about every bug they are working on; but they at least
recognize that they have a problem and try to resolve it.

If you want an example of a worse company, by way of dedicated servers, you
can look at DICE, by no fault of lack of effort, their linux server for the
original BF1942 was crap. It took them over 4 months after releasing the
game to even get a nix version out, and another 6 months after that of
fixing it so that it didn't lag the players randomly. During this course of
development they never admitted to a problem, and this caused a lot of
problems for hosting companies.

Valve does the best they can in a given time span, and what it boils down to
is ... If you think you can do better, do it.

(I will prolly get flamed for this, but that is a cost I pay gladly for someone needed to say this.)

- Matthew Davey

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