Replying to the comments about gsps general practices of overloading

The comments made are correct. I will not state specific companies, but many
are in the practice of overloading equipment. For example, one popular
provider has 12-14 servers on one dual 2.8 machine w/ only 2 gigs ram, and a
10mbps port to the box. These servers range from 32 player all the way down
to 12 player private servers with hltv (an additional drain on resources
when in use). They do not take into account that when a server is full or in
use it eats more resources then when it is barely used. I point to this same
company (I did a scan on their ips). Each ip had 6-8 installs of hlds on it.
And on average two ips assigned to each machine. But for example, the
private we leased with them ate up 35%-45% cpu (That's one physical cpu) on
a dual cpu machine when full. What these companies are making the mistake of
is counting on HyperThreading. HLDS is not designed to be run SMP w/ ht. So
those 4 virtual cpus that only show 7%-11% load, are in fact one real cpu
hitting almost 40% load. Now if you have one client hitting 40% load on one
cpu of a dual cpu machine. And you have between 6-12 customers on that box.
Overloading is easily seen as the culprit.

Now to address the latter part of the comments. "All GSPS practice this". I
know for a fact of at least one that doesn't. (Shameless self-promotion)
When we setup a box for customers, we look at it as if the hlds will be full
constantly. We allocate the bandwidth, and resources necessary for the
customers as if their servers were full 24/7 (Some are). Now we aren't
looking for super profit margins (like some GSPS) so we can afford to do it
this way. We are basically just making a minimum profit while providing
quality servers.

Why are we not concerned with making a huge profit? Because we aren't
greedy. We use the servers ourselves as a matter of fact (EG: one box has 3
of our personal servers, while the remaining section of the box has 2 other
servers on it, in this example we could have 8 more servers on it like most
GSPS, however, we are worried about quality not quantity). Unfortunately,
most GSPS are not like us. Or else we wouldn't have the demand we are seeing
for our services so soon after launching. 8)

[End shameless self-promotion]
What is truly sad is the fact that some GSPS charge you and arm and a leg
for their services, but still overload their equipment, this is inexcusable
and the game leasee should step up and let the GSP know that they are
getting hosed. But unfortunately a great many leasees do not know that there
are other options that cost less.

That is all about to change. 8)

(Site still not up yet, had some difficulties this week)

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