Hopefully discussions are seeming a bit more chilled now and hopefully
a bit more constructive, always good to have them on cpu usage etc, as
often there's lots of different information out there.

I do think Valve made one or two changes in css about how they acted
idle compared to cs 1.6? Can't remember if it was just map cycles not
ticking over, or more to it than that.

I also think care often has to be taken when people look at cpu usage
of xeon/HT setups, as depending what you look at, or who you talk to,
some people take each virtual cpu to equal one whole cpu in their

For what its worth I don't get any (read that as slight, but pretty
negligable) extra cpu usage on css on windows when server is empty.
Also seems to depend a lot on maps which is often overlooked when
trying to allocate on smaller/single cpu setups and looking how much
one process takes etc.

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