Okay, here is what I see James:  Your ping actually may be close to that
good .. And remember .. From what I've seen in my testing .. The scoreboard
ping will always show the best since it seems to 'average' the ping over so
many samples (again .. 15-30 seconds maybe?).  I notice your tracert is
AROUND 12ms or so before it stops.  Generally, if your server is only around
1-2 hops behind where it's blocked at (which if you saying it's blocked AT
the server level so I'm sure it is) ... Then your ping probably IS *VERY*
close to the 11-17ms you are seeing.  Generally the hop RIGHT before your
server is an in-building router .. That then splits off to a switch possibly
that then goes directly to your server.  See what I'm talking about with my
tracert to my server below.  Do you host this server or is it at a hosting
site?  If you could somehow enable ICMP, I'm sure you'd see a VERY close
value to the 12ms that you saw on your graphical tracert.  Just for
reference, I keep anywhere from a 48-58ms ping on my server (depending on
server load).  It's always just a tad higher than your tracert ping .. But
percentage-wise in your case .. I think yours is right on the money.

  9    47 ms    48 ms    45 ms
 10    46 ms    45 ms    46 ms

Oh, and to explain that high 'console' ping?  They have not been accurate at
ALL in CS:S.  I didn't realize you were asking about that as well.  In 1.6,
it was MUCH closer.  And this goes along with readings from HLSW (admin
tool) .. Because when I check the server with it with the 'STATUS' command
through RCON in HLSW, everyones pings are well over 100 on my server ... And
their ACTUAL in-game pings are usually well under 100 (50-90ms).

And lastly .. Again on the tickrate 33 .. Since this is probably what your
server is set on .. And I would HIGHLY bet on that if it's 'hosted' to save
CPU cycles since all hosts 'share' boxes unless you pay a high 'dedicated'
server fee ... It's very common as I said in the previous emails that your
net_graph ping would be anywhere from 20-30ms higher than your actual
scoreboard ping.  This goes back to what I said about it 'averaging' the
latency from it .. And I'm still not sure it's totally accurate on that.  In
other words, you're going to see the 'low' end of the actual ping most of
the time on the scoreboard .. But the actual 'server' fluctuated ping on the
net_graph.  *IF* .. And big IF here since I'm thinking it's at a hosted
facility .. You could run the 'srcdsfpsboost.exe' .. To increase the server
frames to above the default 64fps .. *AND* you could run the 'tickrate 66'
command-line option, I'd be willing to bet your net_graph ping would stay
right in line with your scoreboard ping .. Assuming the server it's hosted
on could keep up (I would hope so).

For proof of this, if I get time .. I'll post pics of what I'm talking about
for you.  I'll show you my ping fluctuating in net_graph without either of
my 'tweaks' (srcdsfpsboost and tickrate) ... And then show you WITH them.
But my wife and I are going  on vacation in a couple days .. So it'll
probably be after the 1st.

Hope this explains a lot.  The pics definitely helped me narrow down on what
you were seeing.


Whisper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kevin here
> are screenshots that illustrate why I have question about this issue.
>  http://whisper.ausgamers.com/pictures/sourcepings/de_dust_pcg0000.jpg
> http://whisper.ausgamers.com/pictures/sourcepings/de_dust_pcg0001.jpg
> http://whisper.ausgamers.com/pictures/sourcepings/de_dust_pcg0002.jpg
> http://whisper.ausgamers.com/pictures/sourcepings/de_dust_pcg0003.jpg
> http://whisper.ausgamers.com/pictures/sourcepings/de_dust_pcg0004.jpg
> http://whisper.ausgamers.com/pictures/sourcepings/de_dust_pcg0005.jpg
> http://whisper.ausgamers.com/pictures/sourcepings/de_dust_pcg0006.jpg
> http://whisper.ausgamers.com/pictures/sourcepings/serverping.jpg
>  If you check the creation times of the pictures you will see
> that they were all taken within the same minute.
> The Last picture is a http://www.pingplotter.com tracert ping
> tool set at 1 second intervals that was running whilst I
> joined the game and took the screenshots. As you can see, the
> average ping does not deviate far from the scoreboard ping.
> The last hop times out because the server firewalled from
> ping packets.
>  net_graph and stats pings though, do not seem to bear any
> relation as to my connections actual latency, and thus far,
> there has been no adequate explanation as to why the 3 ping
> measurements are completely at odds with each other.
>  Oh, the server in question is on a link that I can always
> download at 1MegaByte per Second sustained for 100's of MB's.
> That is to say, file servers sitting in the same rack will
> serve data out to me at that rate.
>  Hopes this make sense.
>  Cheers

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