In reply to my idea being absurd. That's funny your competitor's have been
doing this for years. I guess that my "absurd" idea works flawlessly for
professionals. Take it how you want.

The server has to be up to date for a client to connect to it after they
update. That is why "forcing updates during peak/rush hours" is not only
necessary, but also often critical for your clients to have a smooth update
transition from one version to another. Let's look at your current
arrangement...client updates, server not up to date. Woops so much for your
clients needs, they can't connect because of a version mismatch. Now what do
you think a client wants? A server they cannot use? Or a server that is back
up the fastest after an update? I can tell you from speaking with a few
clients of a few GSP's in the industry, your competitor's see to their
clients needs. Quite a few GSP's are updated within 20 minutes of an update.
Why, how, you say? Because they are on top of the industry and KNOW how to
update and when to update.

Why I posted to this list and not the linux list...because I run both
flavors on my server machines. For the record I own 4 rackmounts now (2 in
central, 2 east). Two are winblowz2k3, two are freebsd. The main reason is
because I replied to a post to THIS list, not the linux list. If you check,
I post to BOTH lists. As I am sure most GSP's that offer their customers a
CHOICE of operating systems do. Far as me not being a GSP. Technically I
still am. I do receive a small income from sub-leased space on 3 of the
machines. But the website is no longer up because I only have a handful of
people that I lease to. And they have my personal number when they need
something done during the day and my other contact info for all other
times/emergencies. I do suggest you interrupt gameplay, however I would not
call it "normal" gameplay for the fact that this time period is when vALVE
is usually updating clients as well. I would consider this time "normal"
update time.

No notice...track records. Wednesday and Friday are traditionally update
days. 5-6pm PST is when these updates are traditionally released (except for
patches to updates). You know how much notice other companies give about
updates? Almost none until you FIND the server update through a 3rd party

I remember a time when NO notice was given by vALVE for updates as status
quo. We were not so spoiled back then, but amazingly enough servers still
got updated. I think back to pre-steam, pre-hldsupdatetool and I recall
thousands of servers being updated manually. There was no notice back then
at all. I think while announcements are a good thing, they have made people
lazy as server owners/operators.

What really has me ticked on this point is one time so far {since
announcements were started} an update was deployed that wasn't announced,
and a minority start flaming valve for it. Guess when I found out there was
an update? At 2000 hours est when I reloaded my steam client platform. When
I remoted into my colocated/leased dedicated equipment, the batch files were
already almost done running to update the server(s) (these were my winblowz
machines not the linux). Granted my linux servers kept crashing until the
patch to the update was released but it did it automatically.

Why releasing a server engine before a client update will not
work...Basically let's say you got the server update first. You deploy it
too soon (because your clients cannot update their client until tomorrow
night) and they cannot use their server(s) for 24 hours. That is 24 hours
their server is unusable. And the argument that we wouldn't deploy it until
after the client update won't work either. Because then why would you need
the server update prior to the client? It works good as it is now.

In regards to flaws in vALVEs method of updating. I can think of far worse
methods in use today by other mainstream software developers.

To address the "incomplete testing of the major OS distributions". Valve
tests on both windows and linux internally. They only support windows and
linux. The other varieties of operating systems are not tested. Why? Because
for the most part they are not 100% supported because of the variations
between each respective os. The operating systems that are supported work
for the most part, with the rare exception. Again why you say? Because vALVE
tests on a few types of hardware architecture whilst the majority have such
a wide array of platform configurations that it is (quote me here)
IMPOSSIBLE to do QC testing for every variation of hardware configuration as
well as every variation of operating system. If they were to test every type
of platform with every type of operating system configuration you would see
a server update maybe once every two years. Which is not very good for
business. To the people who DO complain about this I point out this clear
fact. Are you running windows or plain jane non customized linux? No you
say? Oh, well why are you trying to run a server on an operating system that
isn't supported by the vendor? When engines don't run on a plethora of
platforms most times you will find the platforms are running non supported
software as an operating system. Now for the most part vALVE does try to
work with these types of owner/operators. Just be glad they are willing to
do that much. Most companies would point to the fact they don't support them
and tell you to use the supported os or don't use their engine.

In regards to GSP's making vALVE's business GSP's don't make the
business thrive. End-user clients do. And those end users run more listen
and standalone servers from their homes then all of the GSP's combined.
Being "in the business" of operating servers on two different supported
platforms I do know what the typical flow of day to day operations goes like
for a GSP. Far as scale and vision...don't go there. 10 racks full of 1u and
2u rackmount being leased enough scale? And the vision to deploy hl2 mod
servers when cs:source was still a beta test enough vision? Far as under
present conditions...they are much better then they were pre-steam,
pre-hldsupdatetool. Again I point to my spoiled comment.

Do you realize most admins/owners would shy away from this specific server
if they had to do it "the old fashioned way" (those that do not know of the
old update method). Be thankful for the way things work now. And appreciate
the hard work that got things to the point that they are at today. I mean
valve could go back to the way things were for a while (I think they should
to teach some respect, but they won't) then we would see which companies
(GSPs) know their stuff and which don't.

In regards to the latter part of your last paragraph...Valves clients can do
without you (Not targeting you specifically but the sentence that was
posted). Many already do. You seem to think that a GSP is a necessary thing,
it is not. In the world today, almost anyone can colocate or get dedicated
leasing in just about every major data center in this country. The reason
most don't is because they do not have the knowledge to do it. On that same
token, there are far more home based servers out there then there are GSP
servers. Far as the comparision to tree huggers...That analogy doesn't work.
Because the way I see it is vALVE is the company, the GSPs that are whining
atm are the tree huggers. My little world (no offense taken) encompasses two
thirds of this country far as a server owner/operator.

Last sentence...Accuracy and wisdom, no I saw flaming and immaturity bashing
a company that does its BEST to deliver a quality product (no offense
intended). To be honest, I never would have replied had the original post
been more professional. Everyone likes constructive criticism, no one likes
flaming (And yeah I am playing the hypocrite I know in this instance). Just
be glad vALVE isn't EA or SoE. That is all I am going to say on the matter.
Not replying further because it's Christmas and I have a family to celebrate
it with.

Sorry for the long reply. As you can see I had a lot to say on the subject.


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