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The netcode explantion in the developer wiki is a great example:

On a 33 tickrate server lets assume the player has a 150ms ping, with 20
> updates a second and 1/3 of them are lost, this is how the Source netcode
> will operate......

I am paraphrasing of course, but I doubt many of us care to cater for a
person on this sort of connection, as they are the minority now.

We do what we can though I guess.

On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 00:03:51, Dan Sorenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:18 AM 2/15/2006 -0500, you wrote:
> >Errm - I think the Half-Life Series and Steam(r) are VALVe's flagship
> >products...
>         And let's not forget to count DoD:S among those -- if
> Valve thought it was worth buying as a mod and bringing
> development in-house it's probably safe to say it's one of
> their flagship products.
> >This is a SERVER mailing list... you rant about how you want better
> >gameplay. Maybe you should check out the steam forums?
>         Nah, if I want whining I'd take a helpdesk job.  Seems to me
> the object on this list is to perhaps fine-tune our servers to best
> serve the masses.  Which is why it strikes me as odd that Valve has
> been less than forthcoming with things such as server-side variables
> and what environment they use for testing.  It's difficult for us
> to offer feedback when we don't know what's changed in the environment.
>         Alfred?  I like ya, really, but why aren't Valve developers
> populating the Wiki with information we could use?  Or why isn't
> the Valve dev list doing something similar?  That would help
> alleviate your job as sole contact for questions and make our
> lives easier as well.  For example, is there a list of all server-side
> variables and their effects?  If so, where?  If not, why not?
>                 - Dan
> * Dan Sorenson      DoD #1066      A.H.M.C. #35     [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
> * Vikings?  There ain't no vikings here.  Just us honest farmers.   *
> * The town was burning, the villagers were dead.  They didn't need  *
> * those sheep anyway.  That's our story and we're sticking to it.   *
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