At 11:44 AM 2/24/2006 -0500, you wrote:

>Anyone have any thoughts on what sv_region to set for central areas (texas
>and chicago for instance)

        I'd run a traceroute to some well-known east and west coast
sites ( and, as two examples) and take
a look at how those travel.  Chances are you're going to be a lot
closer to the east coast in terms of hops from Chicago, not certain
about the Texas location (many head through KC then Denver to reach
the West coast, but it may be homed out of one of the east-coast
backbones like Virginia and New York.

        You might also run those traceroutes against the major
service providers, like, (uunet),, and  The closer you are to one of those,
perhaps choose the region that the provider is more heavily in?

                - Dan

* Dan Sorenson      DoD #1066      A.H.M.C. #35     [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* Vikings?  There ain't no vikings here.  Just us honest farmers.   *
* The town was burning, the villagers were dead.  They didn't need  *
* those sheep anyway.  That's our story and we're sticking to it.   *

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