i admitt i did jump the gun a lil bit. I hadn't finished reading the
full thread.  I did show the link to a few well know ppl in the linux
community, one was namely guru of the guru repository, and they actually
agreed with me that that post was a pile of shit. full of misinformation
and just plain lies. You are correct that linux distros are released
with major bugs but it is not consistently the same distro each time.

i may be a linux fan boy but i've been using computers to an advanced
level from the age of 8 (make of that what you will but believe me that
is not lie) i have used everything from dos 6.0 all the way thru to xp
and got fed up and enraged with the lack of quality and the basic
stupidity and arrogance of the user base, bush is a perfect example.

You may call me ignorrant and that is you prerogative but remember that
at the end of the day each person is entitled to their own opinion
without being flamed and we all also have a right to reply.

Wim Barelds wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Dave, shut up. Windows has been improving siginificantly in terms os
> stability and security.
> The only one being significantly ignorant here is you and your linux
> fan-boy-ish ass.
> A) Linux distributions also have security issues
> B) Linux distributions are also released with major bugs.
> C) Microsoft shouldn't have to pay the bill your your lacking abbility of
> maintaining a computer.
> Alfred has already said that the supposed "error", was not an error but was
> in fact simply a change.
> Your "they can't support both" statement clearly is built on pretty much
> nothing. On top of that
> SrcDS.exe and the Source SDK both cost you no money what-so-ever. Valve owes
> you nothing.
> This includes, but is not limited to; Valve doesn't owe you a bug-free SDK.
> On 8/8/06, Dave Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> this is a quote from the link bush gave .
>> At Microsoft's Tech Ed conference in Amsterdam on Wednesday, a session
>> was devoted to how, according to one Microsoft fan at least, the Linux
>> kernel is beginning to resemble, well -- Windows.
>> that person is a blithering idiot. the 2 os's are aimed at two very
>> different markets. the fact that he claims the gap in securtiy in the
>> two is closing is laughable. Microsoft couldn't build a secure safe, let
>> alone an operating system.
>> that whole article served only one purpose. to try and rubbish linux to
>> the home windows user. tbf until microsoft actually produces a product
>> that
>> A) has a security system that can be trusted
>> B) isn't released with major bugs in it
>> C) generally works with out me having to spend hundreds if not thousands
>> of pounds a year extra to keep my machine in a state where i don't have
>> to format the hard drive every week just so i know there isn't any
>> lingering malware/spyware hiding deep down in the os. i'll stick to my
>> linux box.
>> One of the reasons i switched was because i had had enough of ignorant
>> bastards such as yourself pushing windows even with all its major flaws,
>> trying to persuade ppl that even though it [windows] is blatantly
>> inadequate, it is a better product that everything else.
>> Once again MS has succeeded in brain washing another poor innocent. Go
>> back to your beloved pile of shite and keep you opinions to yourself.
>> Nobody like being attacked for voicing their views and doug didn't
>> deserve it, he made a valid point. how did you like being flamed for
>> being an incorrect, arrogant knob? not fun was it?
>> Bush wrote:
>>> Here you got mr. know-it-all; read this.
>>> http://news.zdnet.co.uk/0,39020330,39159290,00.htm
>>> Just to give you a little more of an idea why its so difficult to manage
>> and
>>> debug such a huge project as this.
>>> Next time do a little more research before you come looking for cattle
>> to
>>> slaughter mr. map maker.
>>> BTW.. aren't there enough maps for this game already?
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