You was able to join before because it was likely setup as a lan server and
now it is an internet server.  The problem is because of using the same port
27015 for the client as you use for the server.

> I was unable to join my server now I know I have it setup
> Properly in port
> forward I just dont understand now why I cant connect?? I
> also tried a few
> experiments in Doom I was able to see the game servers. In
> Call of Duty I
> was not able to see the server list??  I joined in LOMAC and
> that worked
> then I tried CoD2 thru Kali I was able to join a server??

I believe you misread their website.  They say the ports need to be open but
they do not say to FORWARD them.

> well I just opened what Steam Support said to open?? if I
> dont need all them

No where does steams website suggest forwarding all those ports.  Some ports
are required to be OPEN to play steam but they do not need to be forwarded.
I suggest you re-read the links I provided in the other post.

> I Port Forward the Proper ports that was shown in the Steam
> Support site.
> Ill post the screenshot of the Port Forward test page on
> another website
> here is the link:
> &t=001290
> Port Forwarding is NOT the problem Please Stop Asking for
> this info THNX!!

These errors are normal for running a dedicated sv_lan 0 server and trying
to join it from the same machine.  You need to change the client port to
something other than 27015 or you need to change the dedicated server port
to something other than 27015.  It will not use your external ip.  I believe
doing this will allow you to connect.  I can't test it right now as my steam
is updating but I do believe this is what you need.

> @Michael
> I ran a dedicated server and recieved this error:
> ERROR: couldn't open custom.hpk.
> Dropped Nephilim from server
> Reason:  Client sent 'drop'
> will that help figure out my problem?? Also I noticed it is using my
> Internal IP shouldnt it use my External??

No... I am not wondering if you have a normal ip.  I see later on you posted
your ip address.  But I am leaving this here for completeness.  I could see
your server fine with hlsw and also can join your server fine.  You will see
the answer to why you can't join the server when they are located on the
same machine if one is a dedicated server.  From hlsw it does appear to be a
dedicated server.

What is the name of your server and what is the ip address to join your
server externally.

I don't understand how hard it is to understand that.  I am trying to
determine if anyone can find your server or join it.  If we can then the
only problem is YOU joining the server from the lan side.

> @Scott
> I have a normal IP if that is what your looking for?? I
> realise they need
> nuthing special but it just doesn't work, I have no Problem
> Hosting other
> games just Halflife on Steam??  and I dont wanna do a
> Dedicated server as I
> wanna play as well.
> Yes, Steam has a TEST port page I found it on the Support
> Pages. Somewhat
> usefull for Diagnosing Peoples problems to see if there ports
> are open or
> Not.
> that is why I am here trying to find out if it might be a Hardware or
> Software problem as this is not a easy nut too crack, I have
> exhausted all
> the Support sites FAQ and answers for common problems I was
> sent here by the
> support site to get an answer to my question that they
> couldn't answer why I
> cant Host??

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