Hey all,

Am I and a few others the only ones that have been stricken with a 
slowly chugging and laggy Steam server browser? The issue has been 
reported on the Steam forums by other users:

Maybe this is a coincidence, but this problem seems to have started 
about the same time the rcon nuke exploit fix was moved from beta and 
made a required server update. In the past I've never had issues with 
the browser. It'd always would load around 500 servers/sec until it 
reached a total of 27,000 total (no filters). Now it chugs along showing 
500 servers, pause, then 800 servers, then pause, and so on. Also, it 
shows a lot of the servers as not responding some times when I go to 
refresh. It truly is b0rked if you ask me, and I hope somebody at Valve 
can investigate this issue and hopefully have it resolved. In my opinion 
it's a minor problem because I don't spend a lot of time searching for 
servers. Even though the servers that I play on show up in my favs and 
history list, you can still feel that chuggy laggy feeling you get when 
the main browser searches. Often random servers in my history and 
favorites tab will disappear and/or show as not responding, which can 
get annoying.

I hope this issue can be resolved!

Ian "P2" Shaffer

SakeFox wrote:
> I really have to question when these will be fixed. They been a issue 
> for months. The sentry tracking i could understand being a problem but 
> the rest, no. The map ones i think valve is just being lazy. The been 
> there for months and have known about it but seem to refuse to fix them. 
> The shooting through the gate one they tried to fix with adding the 
> metal around the gates, but then when they release goldrush forgot all 
> about it and went back to the old way. I left off the one with demos and 
> others shooting when they get close to the gate because thats kind of a 
> clipping issue and that along with the sentries i can understand being 
> difficult to fix.
> I hate to bash valve, but its starting to seem that support for some 
> issues is dropping off, kinda like QA for server releases.
> 1) badlands vis blocker on the red spawn (since map release)
> 2) goldrush burning through the wall, stage 1 near cap 2 top building 
> across the red spawn building (since map release)
> 3) sentries tracking through walls
> 4) shooting through gates
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