on the server: EDIT ../left4dead/cfg/server.cfg ===> cut hostname NAME rcon_password PASSWORD mp_logdetail 0 setmaster add setmaster add sv_voiceenable 1 sv_alltalk 0 sv_search_key SEARCHKEY ===> cut
START the server // check if SEARCHKEY is set: in server console: "help sv_search_key" on the client: EDIT ..\SteamApps\common\left 4 dead demo\left4dead\cfg\Autoexec.cfg ===> cut sv_search_key SEARCHKEY // for ppl like me, who don`t have a "`" on their keyboard bind f10 toggleconsole ===> cut OR start the game with "...steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 530 -console" and input "sv_search_key SEARCHKEY" in console // check if SEARCHKEY is set: in client console: "help sv_search_key" how to play: clan style: each member can open a "lobby for friends" on your server (if it doesn't already exist) and other members will connect through steam friends list (or via the in-game friends list, haven't tested that yet) semi-open style: open a "lobby for friends" but change the settings to public game and in-game matchmaking will add players to your server. (sometimes the start-lobby-button switches to search-lobby-button after changing the settings; game will then start searching for public server. have no explanation why, maybe a bug?) special-case: when you leave the semi-open style, and people are still playing, then one of the remaing players becomes host of the game. if you want to get control of your server again, you have to kickt the players or restart the server; haven't found any better solution yet. cheers, volker deine mail vom Mittwoch, 12. November 2008 um 23:54: GW> Just a quick question. GW> I read through a few hundred emails, I got everything working great.. Thanks all early-adopters. GW> Is there a way to set the server for private use only? Via a password, or something similar? GW> _______________________________________________ GW> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit: GW> http://list.valvesoftware.com/mailman/listinfo/hlds _______________________________________________ To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit: http://list.valvesoftware.com/mailman/listinfo/hlds