First off, thanks Valve for the work you've put into this.  Releasing  
patches at crazy o'clock in the AM is dedication to the cause.  I  
appreciate the effort.

Anyhoo, I'm running SRCDS in a linux (CentOS) system on AMD proc's.   
Server starts up fine, ppl can connect, etc.  I'd like to run a VS  
only server, and I've seen where ppl have suggested controlling maps  
via maplist/mapcycle.  I've done that before with TF2 servers so I'm  
familiar with the concept.  However I can't seem to make it work for  
L4D.  I've modified both files to only include the vs maps, but the  
server still ended up with a lobby connect that forced it into  
l4d_hospital.  No clue how, cept  it seems that it's either ignoring  
the list or the lobby connects overrule all.

Is anyone else having this problem?  Any solution that I'm missing.

Thanks all.


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