I agree.

While I can understand why they added this option, why enable this by default? Reverse it as "Including Community servers" and enable it by default. Since the way it is now, it doesnt make any sense anymore to press the "Quickplay rules" on us.

Another thing would be to make a separate "Community Mod's" quickplay option for custom mods which have a certain server tag in them (like FreakFortress or Randomizer and so on).

Even though we server owners invest more time and effort than any of the hat and map makers out there, we don't get a single dime from Valve. All we get is rules and punishments. And I don't even have pinion or ads in general on my server to deserve this.

Am 24.01.2014 17:42, schrieb ics:
This is my opinion as well. Communities slowly start dying because their regulars cannot go to a populated server to play on when they have time to play themselves. The regulars get things started but quickplay was nice filling of the servers.

67/96 players now on the regular servers, and not a single quikcplay player. All players through favorites, history or steam. Used to be 10-20% quickplay for us.


Lucas Wagner kirjoitti:
This exactly.

In my experience, quickplay was useful for filling servers after you had 12-14 players on it, and retaining already full servers. Regulars are what makes your server successful, but quickplay can help bridge gaps of inactivity by your loyal player base. This option will only reduce the referrals (it remains to be seen how much) meaning that seeding efforts will require players to stay longer and servers will be more fragile and susceptible to depopulation. It will add volatility to a lot of communities and I'll be watching how their servers fare in the weeks to come.

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 9:32 AM, 1nsane <1nsane...@gmail.com <mailto:1nsane...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Unfortunately valve doesn't really need us anymore. They can't
    monetize maps or custom game modes. Once quickplay was added with
    its preference for certain "noob friendly" maps a number of
    valve's own maps (and game modes) stopped being played. You'd
    think they would want more variety so players stick around for
longer. Other online FPS games tend to rotate through all their maps.

    At this point the only important part of the user generated
    content for them is the item creators as they make the money. But
    this seems to be shortsighted, like you said custom maps and
    custom game modes that valve previously loved to take and add
    officially to their games will now become a rarity.

    On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 6:17 AM, E. Olsen <ceo.eol...@gmail.com
    <mailto:ceo.eol...@gmail.com>> wrote:


        It's one thing to make such a drastic change, it's another to
        re-route 40-50% of all TF2 traffic away from every non-valve
        server on the planet in one fell swoop. If this change stands
        as-is, there's not a single server operator on the planet that
        will be able to launch a new vanilla server (or almost any
        kind of server, for that matter), because unless a server
        already has a following, it will never be able to build up the
        momentum when less than half the player base will even be able
        to find it.

        Here's the thing, folks:

        It's been proven time and time again that Mods extend the
        lifetime of a game (look at what Day Z did last year for Arma
        2). The diversity of TF2 is what has kept it going all these
        years....yet a change like this actively steers half (or more)
        of the current playerbase, and probably the vast majority of
        _every_ new player AWAY from ever finding a custom map, mod,
        or game mode.

        If "official valve vanilla" is all you want - then this change
        is wonderful for you (and you should have that "option"), but
        should this remain the "default" setting that every client is
        now set to, Valve has hastened along the death of the very
        game they are trying to protect.

        Why would anyone even bother creating a map for TF2 now? How
        would it ever see any kind of significant traffic?

        How about custom game modes? We were hosting a "King of the
        Hill" server (using custom maps made for that game mode) for
        over a year BEFORE it became an official game mode with
        official maps - think anyone will or would be able to throw up
        a new server or game mode under these conditions?

        I think we all understand why Valve thinks they had to do this
        - all the "Pinion Profiteers" made them think this was
        necessary - but make no mistake, these were problems that were
        CREATED by quickplay in the first place, so in one fell swoop,
        Valve has not only created the problem, but they have used the
        same system that created it to essentially throw out all the
        "good" servers with the bad. Any non-valve server that does
        not already have a significant amount of "regulars" will now
        die on the vine....and there won't be any new non-valve
        servers going up to replace them.

        It's a shame, folks. This change effectively takes the
        "community" out of TF2, and turns it into just another random,
        casual, anonymous FPS.

        It's was a rarity already to have a game that was 7+ years old
        that still had new clans and communities forming around it -
        but a change like this will make it all but impossible for any
        new TF2 communities to even get started.

        On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 4:55 AM, Emil Larsson
        <ail...@gmail.com <mailto:ail...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            I wouldn't had mind the valve only server option, but it
            shouldn't be the default certainly. We're also certainly
            noticing a decrease of players now, and I just feel
            punished for playing by the rules.

            On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 3:38 AM, Stephen A. Yates
            <syate...@cfl.rr.com <mailto:syate...@cfl.rr.com>> wrote:

                I am not trying to start shit… I am just stating my
                opinion. Quickplay has been killing our servers for a
                long time.

<mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com>] *On
                Behalf Of *Lyrai
                *Sent:* Thursday, January 23, 2014 9:25 PM

                *To:* Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
                *Subject:* Re: [hlds] Mandatory TF2 update released

                It looks like that community's servers were already
                shutting down due to admin burnout. Nothing related to
                this in any way. Maybe just an attempt to start shit.

                On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Ragorism
                <ragor...@gmail.com <mailto:ragor...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                    That's why it's called an 'option', you fucking

                    On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Stephen A. Yates
                    <syate...@cfl.rr.com <mailto:syate...@cfl.rr.com>>


                        - Add quickplay option to only connect to
                        official Valve servers

                        We have been running Vanilla 24 player servers
                        since the month after the
                        launch of Orangebox. Valve did not seem to
                        have an issue with us when we
                        were helping to build the TF2 community. This
                        should pretty much put an end
                        to new players finding their way to our
                        servers and community.

                        Thanks Valve. Enjoy your cash.

                        We will be closing our community down at the
                        end of this month.

                        Peace out.


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