Scoring system and quickplay forced rules go hand in hand but players experience seems to be low due to what the community servers run on them. Namely, gameplay modifying mods. They are not forbidden in quickplay rules because Valve cannot effectively maintain and guard all the community servers.

So they implemented a change that we see now (which really SUCKS against people like me who run servers and no mods that affect gameplay in any way. Not even advertisements or other crap.)


Supreet kirjoitti:

I think the scoring system is actually pretty great - it's more so about the ping rather than the server score.

I mean its pretty obvious they won't send players from China to North American servers. So having a high score really shouldn't relate to the server but the connection as the connection is the basis for all multiplayer gameplay.

I have a suggestion/recommendation for everyone that I can personally vouch for. I've had multiple providers for my community's servers and I have had two providers (second one is the current one) that have a link up with Level3. You would be surprised at how much international traffic I get on a server hosted out in Philly. They have great ping.

One of the secret ingredients to better quick play traffic is ISPs your provider has. Do some research, most providers do not provide Level3. NFO servers being the largest one doesn't have hook ups with Level3.

This is why if you buy a cheap VPS, it can actually have a big impact on your quick play traffic. It doesn't matter if your server is in Chicago - the providers ISPs matter.

I host my server in Philly with a provider that has Level3, Comcast, Zayo/AboveNet.

I have quick play traffic from Europe, and east Asia who no-doubt have higher than normal ping, but never complain of lag.

So I hope that helps people, be very very picky about who you host from. It actually affects quick play traffic.

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