Yeah, I'm not going take a debate into personal attacks, bud.

Getting rid of motd ads might not bring community servers back, but it
might bring players back to community servers, and that would be a step in
the right direction.

Feel free to have the last word advocating for them, though - we'll just
have to see if Valve makes a decision either way who was in the right in
the end.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Robert Paulson <>

> I don't need to know more about Valve than you do. All I need is logic.
> Patch: MOTD blocked for all quickplay users
> What Happened: Quickplay users see no ads. Non-quickplay users can see ads.
> Patch: Quickplay defaults to official servers
> What Happened: Quickplay users see no ads. Non-quickplay users can see ads.
> In terms of ads, there is absolutely no difference. It is obvious Valve
> was concerned about having to police pay2win and similar mods.
> Even before ads existed on TF2, fake players was rampant. Saigns and
> Nighteam both never worried about players leaving in droves when they saw
> donators shooting 10x faster. And they still ended up with the most
> players. They did not need to worry about convincing everyone to pay. You
> only need 1 out of 1000 players to pay to make a profit. That's how
> free2play works.  How late did you join TF2 that you don't even know this?
> With or without ads there is an incentive to cheat the system. Even now
> you have servers breaking the rules. This is an observable fact. This is
> not an opinion.
> So actually no. You are still wrong. And beating of the dead horse of ads
> isn't going to bring community servers back. Next thing you know Valve will
> just remove the motd and do nothing else.
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 4:10 PM, E. Olsen <> wrote:
>> The more you keep beating this dead horse, the more you fill the mailing
>>> list with gibberish that Valve simply doesn't care about.
>> Let's not pretend that you know any more about what Valve cares about
>> than I do. Maybe you're right - I don't think that's the case, but then
>> again we'll not know unless Valve actually says once and for all "THIS is
>> why we made the change two years ago, and this is what we want to prevent."
>> However, there is absolutely no doubt that MOTD ads have been a negative
>> towards player perception of community servers. Hell, I've never used them,
>> nor frequented a server that does, but I have reason to hate them if for no
>> other reasons than I had to give up the long-standing functionality of the
>> MOTD window for quickplay players simply because those ads were being
>> abused - yet another thing we lost because of the abuse of others.
>> Another flaw in your argument is this:
>> There is a way to monetize players connecting to a server that is never
>>> going away. And that is premium status.
>> Actually, no.
>> Those kinds of operators, while they certainly had/have no place in
>> quickplay, DID have to convince players to donate for the premium "perks"
>> (or whatever they call them), so players aren't monetized simply by
>> connecting to those server, they had to see some kind of value in giving
>> those servers some $$$.
>> ...and frankly, I have no beef with that, as long as they are playing by
>> the rules, and abiding by the "Policy of Truth"/Quickplay Rules, etc. If
>> there are players that find that kind of silly silly stuff fun, they should
>> be able to pay for if they like.
>> That's the distinction - one source of revenue encourages building value
>> in a server environment, the other focuses solely on attaining the maximum
>> possible player connections. It might be little difference to some, but I
>> think the distinction is an important one.
>> As for the rest of the "stop beating the horse about motd ads, they
>> aren't a problem" argument, I'll agree to disagree - again, if for no other
>> reason than Valve has *never* said otherwise, and I think they've
>> brought far more damage to the *perception* of community servers than
>> anything else - mainly due to the ease at which they will always be abused.
>> Maybe Valve did use them (or allow them) on their servers (I've heard that
>> before, but I've never seen a Valve server displaying a motd ad), but they
>> are clearly not an advocate of them, or the thousands of Valve servers
>> would be serving up those ads everyday (probably making Valve a bundle in
>> the process).
>> You may call it beating a dead horse, but no one here can speak for Valve
>> but Valve - so until they actually weigh in one way or the other, your
>> point of view is no more valid than mine.
>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 6:35 PM, Matthias "InstantMuffin" Kollek <
>>> wrote:
>>> "Use" != "Abuse"
>>> But honestly, yes. Communities used to run on actual donations. Not
>>> whatever people call donations these days to avoid paypal refunding.
>>> If you need to resort to ads to keep going, you're either doing
>>> something wrong, or you shouldn't be hosting servers.
>>> I hate ads, and I don't like people supporting them.
>>> However with the situation as it is now, it is hard to attract players
>>> if you're not trying to be yet another Valve server (and especially if
>>> you're trying to be as original as possible), which in return makes it
>>> difficult in getting eventually necessary donations. Plus, who would want
>>> to donate to a server that isn't any different from a Valve server anyway?
>>> Valve doesn't support being different. Being original. And this is what
>>> the real community is all about. So Valve does not want a community, or
>>> rather does not want to put the necessary effort into it. However small (or
>>> not?) it is.
>>> On 05.09.2015 00:22, Rowedahelicon wrote:
>>> Ads didn't always used to be a problem, and why do community servers get
>>> the rage for ads when Valve has used them too? Pinion was used for official
>>> valve servers before. They gave Arthur a special forum rank and I've seen
>>> posts from Valve higher ups defend the use of Pinion.
>>> If a community has to use ads to survive, maybe it's not doing too well.
>>> But Valve used them as early as everyone else. Can't get mad at the kids
>>> for following the dad's example right? Plus if a player comes on and just
>>> hates that community, they can venture to a different one.
>>> We're going to wind up breeding new players who don't want to explore
>>> the world that the players made inside of the game.
>>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Robert Paulson < <>
>>>> wrote:
>>> You may disagree but you are simply plain wrong. People cheating the
>>> server browser is still rampant and it goes on without any ads. There is a
>>> way to monetize players connecting to a server that is never going away.
>>> And that is premium status.
>>> The more you keep beating this dead horse, the more you fill the mailing
>>> list with gibberish that Valve simply doesn't care about.
>>> "If the problem had simply been the handful of those "paytowin" or
>>> "premium" operators, Valve could have simply blacklisted them and solved
>>> the problem (there were never very many server operators selling "premium"
>>> pay2win stuff anyway).."
>>> That is more likely to be the problem than the ads. As mentioned over
>>> and over again, the ads issue was completely solved by completely blocking
>>> them when people connected through quickplay. To borrow your own words,
>>> if the problem had simply been ads, then why didn't they do exactly what
>>> you said? It is really easy for them to simply remove HTML motd for
>>> everyone instead of a subset of players.
>>> It seems like you've never reported a server before. Valve took over 3
>>> months to ban 100+ server communities using fake players such as
>>> elitepowered. That is how much they don't want to bother cleaning the
>>> server list. They don't even want to spend 30 minutes a week, let alone a
>>> month, doing what needs to be done.
>>> And there was a time when Saigns was on quickplay and they never got
>>> banned because their modifications were never explicitly mentioned in the
>>> quickplay document. And they probably don't want to track down every
>>> server that has instant respawn without the tags. Because they only way you
>>> can verify this is by playing on each individual server.
>>> Having quickplay default back to community servers after a few hours
>>> isn't asking them to change it back to how things were. New players
>>> are guaranteed to know what a "vanilla" experience is.
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