I've heard reports that custom downloads have been hardcoded to no more than 64MB. I went ahead and tested this with some custom maps - anything over the aforementioned limit would not download. Worse still, it seems this is a hardcoded limit and is NOT changeable via convar.

Why is this a thing? Old code? Lazy fix for a security vulnerability? Or are you actually trying to kill off community servers outright, Valve?

I'm genuinely not impressed here - anyone who wants to run a custom map with maybe a few more custom assets than usual that just about puts them over this cap is out of luck, as the file will just fail to download as if it doesn't exist on the server or FastDL location, eventually disconnecting the client with a missing map error if the file in question is a mapfile.

TL;DR: TF2 now seems to just fail to download any custom content over 64MB - this breaks a lot of larger custom content (think custom maps). and is not good news in the long run.
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