True that VALVe could tell us a few hours before...

True we should not cry when VALVe is now doing what we asked for years...

Børge, I believe you'd better not ban the detected people. Anyway, as they
are detected within 5 secs on logging, what does matter. They can try to
connect my servers all the day and being kicked within 5 secs each time. I
do not care. :-P
If you do not ban, at leats will you never ban false detections. I believe
that VALVe in their infinite wisdom, decided not to ban because of that.
Let's them find the best solution now that they took our destiny in hands

Craig, maybe we could ask VALVe to restart automatically the servers after
updating VAC ? ;-P Could be an idea... no ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tiscali Børge Amundsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Until im able to restart the server there might have been someone
falsely detected from VAC. When i then get up and check, how the heck
shoul i know if this is false or right ?

craig kaiser wrote:

> I for one support VAC and Valve. Nothing in life is perfect!
> If I have to reboot the server so be it. What is the big deal? "OMG"  I
> to reboot because valve released a new module to help me.
> Geez, the amount of crying is simply amazing!
> [pbc]ScumBucket
> Pirates Bloody Cove

Vennlig hilsen / Best regards
Børge Amundsen

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