there are three bugs that are truly annoying to admins (because we are
constantly forced to explain them to players) that i would love to see fixed
in HL (CS specifically) one day:

in order of annoyance:

1. the disappearing radar after an abnormal drop from server and reconnect.
since most good players use radar, this is not just annoying, it messes with
your game.  and of course you always have to explain "the radar will
return".  even regulars continue to complain about this.  it's even more
annoying on FF servers (like mine).

2. when a new player is connecting they show up as a member of one of the
teams with the score and ping of the most recently dropped player.  only
once they've completed connecting do they appear under the "spectator"
section.  why is this annoying?  because everyone starts whining about team
sizes every time it happens, blame team balancer scripts, etc.  more
annoyance: the players already on the server think that player is connected
and start talking to them.  i see this in the console all the time.

the order of events is as follows:
player begins connecting to server - to players on the server, this player
immediately appears as a member of one of the teams (with the score and ping
of the most recently disconnected player)
player completes connecting to server and is presented with the team
choices - to players on the server this player appears in the spectator
player chooses team - appears correctly in the scoreboard

imho, the player should not appear on the scoreboard at all until they have
connected (especially since it sometimes takes a LONG time for a player to
connect).  at that point they should be in the spectator list until they
pick a team.

boy i would love to see this one fixed.  it's my personal pet peeve and has
been around for ever (both TFC and CS and i'm sure DoD and other mods as

3. a speaker icon should appear next to your own name in the scoreboard.
again, this is annoying because people who are testing their voice
communications for the first time think something is wrong and invariably
bug the players and admins about it.  it's probably a very simple thing to
do.  it would be extra nice if it was grayed out if you never configured
your mic (like it does for other players on your scoreboard).

these may seem like minor bugs, but after years of running hlds they have
really gotten uber-annoying.  imagine someone tapping you with a pencil.
not annoying.  they do it for 2 years.  annoying :)

b u d d h a @ b e a t d o w n 1 2 . c o m

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