On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 02:54 pm, David Harrison wrote:
> Sadly, that is often the only way people learn that their useless,
> off-topic, unfunny, byte-wasting drivel is not wanted or appreciated by
> the members of a community that actually want to use that community for
> its intended purpose.


> In my experience, Linux users can't resist the temptation to tell
> everyone how wrong they are about everything.

well, I'd say thats a broad brush you're using, but I agree the type of
people who enjoy doing both are... not uncommon :)

> I totally agree with Simon

as do I

> and I've voiced this several times in the past

since its been ages since I have posted, I'll have one more go too :)

the point that I would add is... that by continuing to allow a high level of
irrelevant crap, this list runs the risk of losing the people who can help
this list become the resource it was intended to be. I am subscribed to
quite a variety of lists and due to time contraints (like many others)
simply find it hard to be a regular contributor to lists that have a
continual random noise.
   What I and others do is filter lists like this, in my case on this one,
three or four people plus the Valve-ites get through the filter, while the
rest go to a different mail folder to be looked at if a sudden amount of
free time occurs, which never seems to happen.
    Contributing code/ideas/opinions I would humbly suggest is within my
range of abilities, and certainly helping people with problems on running
anything linux is something I enjoy..... but when I am forced to limit the
output of this list to only people who already know what they are doing
.... then the possiblity of people like me contributing, at least directly
on this list, gets close to zero.

as for who the three or four are, they pick themselves with regard to
getting the information you need, as do the sort of people who are a good
reason to filter this list, one said they were leaving a long time ago?? ;)

to sum up, if this list is a major part of your 'net life, then please don't
use that fact as a reason to pour all your opinions into it, simply keeping
things on topic and not responding to the sadder cries for attention would
make this list a far better resource for all......

    Cheers :)
              Rod May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

PS: any flames/comment/abuse will need a follow-up from a small list of
people for me to even see them, so please make 'em worth following-up :)

  Random Fortune:
     A penny saved is a penny to squander.
     -- Ambrose Bierce

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