On 29 Jan 2003, Jeremy Brooking wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 21:31, kama wrote:
> >
> > How is Berkley able to sue linux?
> >
> Linux is an implimentation of BSD and System V.3

Doesnt matter.. if you are looking at the BSD-license.

> > basicly the BSD-code license is... If you use any code from sources that
> > come from a BSD-licensed project, you need only to say that you used it
> > and give credit to the writers.
> *BSD or BSD/OS (BSDi)??

Doesnt matter.. I was talking about the BSD source license. It does not
have to do anything about the vendors using BSD to make their own

> > Why do you think most of the current winsock is from the stack from bsd?
> > (If i recall correct... FreeBSD) The do not need to pay a dime for it
> > either.. and you dont need to include the code when you deliver it, as in
> > GPL.
> >
> Linux doesnt have winsock.

I was talking about MicroSoft Windows... and versions Me, 2000 and later.
This was also pointed out in a pressrelease from MicroSoft themself awhile

> > BSD had the same issues regarding it being unix.. i think then it was at&t
> > that made all the noise.. BSD won that battle after rewriting a couple of
> > lines of code...
> >
> If i remember correctly, that was never the case, as Version 7 took
> direct influence from BSD.

That was not the point... It was just to point out that BSD had problem
calling it UNIX and that it used code licensed as UNIX-code...

> > > Then AT&T Bell labs will be able to sue them all, considering all unix
> > > flavors come from Version 6.
> >
> > But didnt SCO buy the name unix from at&t?
> >
> SCO is an implimentation of system V.3, thats 10 years after BSD split
> from Version 6. They may own the rights to use the name 'Unix' now, but
> BSD was being refered to as unix before SCO landed.

BSD is not allowed to call it self UNIX... it does not comply with the
specification under UNIX. same as all the Linux Dists.

*BSD* is calling itself a UNIX like OS.

> That wasnt really what I meant though...
> all unix based operating systems have evolved from version 6, which
> wasnt gpl.
> > (dont really remember, dont really care... since i dont run linux, sco or
> > any other unixes that are not BSD...)
> NetBSD, FreeBSD OpenBSD arent really BSD either :P

They are not? they are all based on BSD4.4Lite source tree.. And by using
and developing from that branch, they are allowed to be called BSD.

If you look into the sourcecode on DEC-Unix (Tru64 UNIX), most of its code
is based on BSD, but comply to the UNIX specification and pay for using
the brand UNIX in their marketing... By doing that it is widely opened to
security holes... since UNIX is specified to be implemented in a certain
way... This may have changed the last couple of years though..


3 great virtues of a programmer;
laziness, impatience, hubris
--Larry Wall

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