Well that is total bs because valve is guilty of false advertising at this
point. They are showing an ad that is misleading. Yes, that ad may be for a
'content provider' but its misleading in the fact that 99.9999% of people
that see that ad think its from my company or that I have been bought out by
my competitors or whatever.

The bottom line is this. Its MY server. Its MY bandwidth. Its MY cs server
thats showing someone elses ads.

The only justifiable time for valve to show ANY ad is when a consumer is
updating their local cs install and steam shows an ad while they are

That being said, f*ck valve for releasing steam. F*ck valve for increasing
the cpu usage by 40% +. Also, F*ck valve for not giving a shit and not
listening to the community and not giving one GD iota of care or concern for
the problems that have resulted for us admins as a result of the cpu usage
and the bugs.

I will actively support and test a server side hack to insert my own ads
when someone connects to one of MY servers and use MY bandwidth to play a
game or download a map. I sure hope someone comes out with a hack for it.

As for you valve, get your act together. We are the lifeblood of the cs
community. Without server providers you cant sell crap because no one will
have anywhere to play. Start listening to us and fixing things or your gonna
find yourself standing around with your dick in your hand while we rent out
our spots to anything other than a valve/steam product.

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