Chris Meisinger wrote:

In order to compile/install a 2.6 kernel you need a newer GCC.  I don't know
about the Glibc version though.

Just install a newer version of RedHat if you want 2.6, it'd probably be a
lot easier. =)

Also, 2.6 doesn't do anything great for hlds.  It's not going to be the fix
you're looking for, and running a still developmental kernel is a bad idea
on a production server.

Yes, I know 2.6 is technically release, but let's just be honest, Linux has
a history of the first 10 or so releases of a new kernel being either
unstable, or just more trouble than it's worth.

my .02


Oh yeah, Any update tonight?

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In my experiences, 2.6 uses slightly more cpu when running a single
server, but lag is less. This is especially noticable when running
multiple game servers. As far as 2.6 being buggy, I don't know. I
haven't heard of any major issues. For general game serving, I think any
of the bugs that may crop up wouldn't really make a difference as they
are usually things that are tested less and probably won't affect your
average game server system. If you are using new hardware or have a
business to run, I would stick with 2.4 or do alot of testing before
taking the plunge just to be sure.



/David Lee/

@ /NetRaid System Administrator/


( *Fax:* 248-656-5033

/NetRaid LLC <>/

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