So CD isn't any good cause it's third party, but turning it over to PB would
be different how?

As for using a third party solution causing a division between everyone... I
think that's a cop out as well. I find it very, very hard to believe that
anyone plays CS/HL without the aid of any other program. Be it the GameSpy
type application, an IM client to meet up with friends, (since Friends is
often down) IRC, etc.

That's like saying don't bother running a firewall cause windows is fine the
way it is. Or don't use a anti-spam program cause junk mail can just be

I'm sorry... I'm all for VAC, I really am. When it first started I had high
hopes for it... but unfortunately VAC hasn't become what it should have, and
I don't really see that changing. That being the case, there is no option
but to look for a third party solution. Be it CD, some type of PB program,
etc. CD is updated much more then VAC.. so my money is on that for the time

This wasn't totally directed at David Lee - just my thoughts on the past few
messages about VAC and CD.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Lee
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] CD

Cheating Death is not a solution. It is a temporary fix. A patch on top
of a patch where neither work the way they should. All current anti
cheat schemes for HL dont work. Valve's best bet would be to just
outsource the cheat protection to a group who has a dedicated team to
handling the problem. Punk Buster anyone? At least if this were to
happen, one group would be responsible for the blame. Currently, all
complaints get directed to another group when a cheat isnt detected. CD
dont work? Well tell valve to fix vac. VAC dont work? Well maybe you
should try VAC. See what i mean? Neither work, and CD only causes
problems with steam updates and does something that steam should do.

Valve just use punk buster. Let them worry about the cheats. 1.6 in its
current state needs enough to be fixed in the server code alone. You
guys really can't afford to be wasting your manhours on VAC as well.

Ender wrote:

> C-D is third party. We don't want a third party solution. This divides
> the people working on it, the servers running it, and the users using it.
> Especially when it doesnt work 100%
> ruwen wrote:



/David Lee/

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