So, after the long discussion about game control panels here on this
list, I decided to give GameCP a shot.  It offers a free trial, so what
do I have to lose, I asked myself?

3 full days with nothing to show for it.  Thats what I lost.

I wont go into detail on every part of the install, because this really
isnt an official review.  However I though you guys should know what you
are getting into before shelling out the minimum $150.00 to purchase the

1.  The install documentation is worthless.  Its outdated, and doesnt
even remotely apply to the current version of the software.
2.  Support was hit and run.  And not only for me, a trial customer.  I
witnessed several other people in his IRC channel who where left hanging
with unanswered questions.  I didnt attempt to call him, so I cant say
how well phone support works.
3.  The software itself is broken.  It tells you to do things during the
install that, because of updates, arent required anymore.  When I asked
about performing certain functions during the install, I was told "Dont
do what it says.  Its outdated."  Well, where does that leave me, the
poor guy installing this?  No documentation, no support.  I can even
trust the installer to tell me what to do.
4.  Be aware that GameCP *requires* root access via ssh.  Not a good
thing in my opinion especially considering all the brute force attempts
at root access we have all seen.
5. The documentation, as does William (GameCP coder) says to su to the
user running apache and perform some install operations as that user.
First of all, my apache user is "nobody" and doesnt have a shell.  I was
told to enable the shell for the user "nobody"  BAD idea.
6.  GameCP requires php globals to be turned on.  Not a bad thing
necessarily, but certainly not good for the security-conscience.
7.  The install failed at another point, and it was a permissions
problem in the web directory for gcp.  I was told to simply chmod 777
the file.  This too might not be bad in and of itself, but when you
consider that this is closed source, and being told to chmod 777 a .php
file arbitrarily without rhyme or reason gave reason for concern.

These are most of the major concerns I had, and I believe justified.
GameCP certainly could be, with a lot of work, something that should be
considered for a GSP.  Its simply not ready right now.  William on IRC
(I spoke with him a lot when he was available) was polite and helpful,
but I came away with the impression that he is an open source coder,
with an open source attitude about coding, i.e. "I write it, you figure
it out, and if you cant, write your own code"  One can get away with
that writing open source software.  However, it simply isnt tolerable
when you are charging $150.00 per box.  There is an extreme lack of
detail in the software, the documentation, even in the maintenance of
his own website.  All these things combined should throw several red
flags in your head and cause you to look closer before making a GCP

If nothing else, please TRY this software before you buy it.


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