Eric (Deacon) wrote:
I know, right?  I mean, I for one am shocked and disappointed that Valve
didn't release a completely perfect complex software product right out
the door.  That it could take 3 working days to fix is utterly abhorrent.

In reality, of course, you're the kind of trollish tool that software
companies, businessmen, and intelligent people in general hate.  As I
work for a prominent software company, I'm pretty much right there in
the bullseye on these kinds of things.  If you've actually had
experience with such things, you'd understand why 3 working days to fix
a bug that automatically rolls out to the entire install base is pretty
damn impressive.

Bugs from 1.5 where reintroduced in source, and no one, no beta testers nor valve picked it up.

When it was picked up, it took 3 days to patch a bug, that they had
already learnt how to fix before.

Is that acceptable? Fuck no.

The ONLY reason it is becoming more and more acceptable is because of the attitudes of buttmonkeys and brown nosers of people like yourself.

"I work for a prominent software..." blah blah blah, we've heard that
line 1000 times. But its not like youre the only one. And simply because
you work for a software developer, doesnt mean you have a fucken clue,
which its apparent, due to a number of your comments, percieved clue >
actual clue.

"As software becomes more and more complex, it is bound to have more and
more bugs" I hear you say? Well exploy more staff, take longer looks at
your code, spend more time debugging, whatever it takes, but no end user
should have to pay for a companies lack of developement time.

"If you dont like it, dont buy it" You think I would have knowing its
more buggy than Animal Planet?

If the fact that mygot are doing a better job of beta testing than VALVe
and their beta program, doesnt speak volumes about the current
situation, then you are not the 'intelligent' man your claim yourself to be.

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