
I have looked through the message history of this mailing list.

Now, I would like to ask a question. Anybody who starts flaming me will
be classified as a lesser life form (and I will casually reply with an
FU), since I don't need your "you are an idiot/cheater scum/...", I
would like to have _real_ answers. Just because "God" classified
r_doohickey as a cheat and somebody got impaled on it by making some
fixes doesn't mean you have to start a Hitler-like attack against them
if they come in and want to clarify under which circumstances it
happened. Just because there is a line somewhere in the license
agreement stating that "we don't unban whiners" doesn't mean you have to
take your flamethrowers and send vulgarisms all over the place. I
wouldn't personally classify Vapor as a whiner.

Now, after my rant about the pointlessness of such flames, to my question:

How The Hell Can Somebody Misuse A Change Of r_3dsky So That It Became
Classified As A Cheat?

Now I don't want things like this:

(Quote Clayton Macleod):
heh, doofus
valve says it's a cheat, so eat it.

As I said, if "God" can't supply a valid reason to this question, then
"He" should make the variable a non-cheat.

Honestly, "Yadda yadda Valve yadda yadda cheat yadda yadda FU." is a
pretty useless answer. I can't say I like this, but I don't want to
start a flame war, so in case somebody attacks me (for example the
infamous C. Macleod), he really has to be of limited brains. If you
don't know when to stop, you're not far from becoming a fanatic.

Oh, and don't make Valve sound like they're a deity. They are only an
assortment of humans, just like this mailing list.

~~ Ondra

P.S. I know that using a program to freeze r_3dsky to 0 is a cheat. But
it's Valve's job to go against the cheaters. You can support Valve, but
the punishing part is to be left to the ones in charge. If you disagree
with them, don't play their games.

Dagok wrote:

> As already said if you set sv_cheats 0 on the server, there are a
> series of
> cvars that are banned.
> r_3dsky is one of these cvars.  Using any utilities or hacks to
> achieve the
> use of these cvars is a cheat.
> Furthermore if an admin is providing a "cheat free" server and then
> using a
> cheat to circumvent their own server settings, yes that makes them
> scum in
> my opinion.
> If you want to use r_3dsky then set sv_cheats 1 on the server so that
> everyone can use it.
> Dagok
> m0gely wrote:
>> Dagok wrote:
>>> Admins that abuse their own server to cheat while claiming to provide a
>>> cheat free server  are scum...plain and simple.
>>> Dagok
>> He ran an app that increases the client's FPS by disabling a high
>> quality sky.  What is the matter with you people?  So he's scum for
>> that?  That's a cheat?  You answer questions that were never asked.  He
>> only wanted to know if the beta was banning people and Alfred said it
>> wasn't suppose to if it did.
>> --
>> - m0gely
>> http://quake2.telestream.com/
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