Just ignore Clayton for the time.

To reiterate...he has tweaked the Hz on the server...

"Load average only tells you how many active jobs there are."

Incorrect (unless you want to refine it as active plus queue..queue
being the operative word).

"It does not tell you if your CPU is being underworked/overworked."

I'll go along with that, but it can give an indication of your
"system" being overworked which is just as/more important.

"It has nothing to do with how much idle time the CPU has left over."

Correct (to a point).

You still seem to be saying if you have 5 processes running there will
be a load of 5. I really don't think you mean this in truth just bad
explanation, but everything you are saying seems to point to this.
Maybe paste in here the manpage part you are seeing as its clearly
different to other peoples.

Bottom line for me is ignore all the garbage (including my posts), try
both and ignore stats as they can be misleading, go for what you see
and feel on the game itself (and server fps if necessary) and not on
the physical machine cpu usage.

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