Hi all, this is more of a general query but ultimately something that could be
extremely useful for users if it was implemented.

Basically I run game servers on a University Campus, our users have unlimited
bandwidth on local traffic. So playing on our servers doesn't cost em anything.
However anything from the internet will affect their 500MB daily quota. As soon
as they go over the banning system will disconnect them and ban them for a
day/week/month/completly. (Depending on number of offences).
The big problem is Steam loves our internet connection, it starts sucking up as
much as it can with the fast connection. Hence users can get banned within 10
minutes, vigilance is certainly key but many users are caught out by steam
doing this.
It'll be better if somehow we could provide a default local mirror for the Steam
Content files (.gcf's) so that anyone on our University's IP range is
automically directed to our server, hence they don't download them off the
This would also save thousands of users sourcing files from the Steam Servers

I no longer can find an option to submit a request to become a local mirror,
also it's critical that we would not be able to mirror to the outside world.
Just the few thousand students who live on campus.


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