not only 4. you should be able to buy a weapon for every of your teammates.
lets say you play 7on7, and only you made frags in the first round. you
should be able to buy weapons for all 7 in your team...

Richard Fennell schrieb:
The answer to this would be to stop weapon spamming. IE stop any players
buying more than 4 weapons per round. This will enable "Weapons drops"
in matches but would stop more than 4 weapons every being dropped in
Public Games, Possibly set it to a variable but default it at 4. "

Isn't this more than a mani-mod or even EventScripts thing? The more
checks done in the main server code the more performance will degrade.
Maybe post this on the mani-mod forums, that mod is fantastic and seems
to cover almost everything related to public servers. Looking at the
activity on the Mani forums i'm sure Mani would look at it if he gets
the time.

ma_restrictweaponsbuy 4" or similar.


john @ GamersCoalition wrote:
indeed, our server was exploited by the "glock fountain." it crashed
our hosted dual opteron, 2gb, 1000fps hyper server. it's a
buy-toss-buy (repeat until cash<weapon price) script readily available
on the intraweb. it's becoming the latest fad in the anti-dwp fanboy
club, and it's a challenge to beat.

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