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I run two servers, one public deathmatch and one warserver. These servers are
crashing wildly, at any moment. I have tried to remove the plugins but that did
not help. I even tried to reinstall a new server completly clean with no
custom settings (exept a password). But, the servers kept on crashing at least
once or twice every day.
It is not an ordinary crash but a "freeze crash". The server freezes in
console and does not reboot or respond with stats or status. To quit the
program I have to quit the screen. Because of this I am not getting any error
message.Obviously, because of that it is hard for me to find the cause of the
What can I do to find out what is causing the complete freeze of the program?
Are there any system, or program, error logs that I could read for
Or is there maybe an command to force the server to write an error log?
I think (not sure, I installed the servers around this time) that this error
came with the 13/3-07 update. Please help I'm getting sick of having to start
the server, and wait for it to fill, everytime I wan't to play on it. =(
I have an dual-quad core xeon (woodcrest)
Plenty of fast ram
Lots of hdd
running debian etch 1000hz preemp kernel

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