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zBlock is updated.

We didn't expect it to come out of beta this fast :D

On 6/28/07, Noah Jaehnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Zblock is broken with this update on Linux as well. When issuing the
> alias command, the server will crash. I have contacted the developer.
> His response is below.
> Upon issuing the alias command, I get this message:
> [zBlock] Using ServerGameDLL006 for serverdll
> zBlock: Unable to hook server convars! (Unloading)
> Your server must be up-to-date to run this plugin
> if it is, then the plugin itself may be out-of-date
> Failed to load plugin "../cstrike/addons/zblock"
> The segfault error message is: ./srcds_run: line 344: 26189
> Segmentation Fault $HL_CMD
> I contacted the developer Wim Barelds via email last night. Here was
> his response:
> "Thanks for the report, we do try to make our plugin with beta's,
> however haven't gotten around to this one. We'll try have something
> ready ASAP."
> Regards,
> -Noah
> On Jun 27, 2007, at 6:19 PM, Phil W wrote:
> > Can confirm this has broken zblock again. I'm running zblock on a
> > windows platform. Wont load in properly
> >
> > Jason or any valve person, on Linux do we still need the
> >
> > net_queued_packet_thread 0
> > net_queue_flush_interval 0
> >
> > Or has this update fixed the problem that required these vars in the
> > first place?
> >
> > Many thanks
> >
> > Jason Ruymen wrote:
> >> Updates to the Source Engine have been released.  Previously these
> >> updates were available from the beta password "src0625".  Please run
> >> hldsupdatetool to receive these updates.  The specific changes
> >> include:
> >>
> >> - Fixed VAC icon not showing up in server browser
> >> - Fixed the buy favorites commands not working (needed
> >> FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE on certain commands)
> >> - Made record and stop use FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE
> >> - Enhanced sv_pure's output
> >> - Fixed delay when disconnecting from a server
> >> - Fixed a rare Day of Defeat: Source crash
> >> - Made demos record screenshot/jpeg commands and added a cvar
> >> cl_playback_screenshots to control whether or not the screenshot/jpeg
> >> commands are replayed while playing back a demo
> >> - Fixed the add/remove/edit/import buttons in the dedicated server's
> >> Bans page
> >>
> >> Jason
> >>
> >>
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> >> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
> >> archives, please visit:
> >> http://list.valvesoftware.com/mailman/listinfo/hlds_linux
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
> > archives, please visit:
> > http://list.valvesoftware.com/mailman/listinfo/hlds_linux
> _______________________________________________
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
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Wim 'TheUnknownFactor' Barelds

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