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Long time reader, first post, so pls be gentle :-)

Until recently the PID (process ID) for a CS:S server running used to stay
the same, thus using taskset in Linux, we were able to set the process to
run on a specific CPU core.

However recently (about ~3-4weeks ago) the PID randomly changes, as in when
the game server is started its say PID 4223, go back to it a day later and
its then 5823, go back a day later again and its a different PID.

This is kinda of annoying now, as with quad core CPU's coming down in price,
the ability to fix a process (a game server or servers) to specific cores is
very handy indeed.

Any ideas on how to stop it jumping PID's??

BTW: Linux Ver: Ubuntu 6.06 and its run in a screen session.

Kind regards,

Matt AKA Team MX | MoggieX

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