At 08:19 PM 2/8/2009, A. Eijkhoudt wrote:
>Gary Stanley wrote:
> > At 07:37 PM 2/8/2009, Nephyrin Zey wrote:
> >> TF2 takes considerably more CPU than when i first started hosting servers,
> >> easily.
> >
> > Same with source :(
>Surely these binaries can be re-optimized at some point, because the
>increase is rather massive. What would cause the engine to use so much
>more CPU in its later incarnations?

It's hard to say, some speculation is:

- VAC2
- They don't do profiling
- Compiler bugs (see the thread about cpu usage + fPIC and clobbering 
- Expensive locking
- Un-optimized loops (re: compiler bugs)
- Complex/long code paths that can be optimize down. (shorter code 
usually runs a tad better)

I know I will probably get flamed for this, but the newer COD games 
can host huge slotcounts on a server and have very minimum CPU usage.
RAM gets eaten, but I'd rather have more RAM useage than CPU. It 
doesn't take a super computer to host TF2/Source.

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