Tonight I banned a user for some language that was against the MOTD.
I'm using Sourcebans with Sourcemod and MySQL backend.  I know how the
ban system for Sourceban works (user connects, we get steam ID, check
database, kick if they're banned).  The problem is he kept doing retry
in console, changing his name to all sorts of nasty stuff.

He never got back in, but it caused a headache on the server for a bit
until I went and did an IP ban at the console.

I guess the question is does anyone have a way to deal with those
connect messages and make them not actually print until the user's
gotten farther into the game server (preferably once Sourcebans has
checked to make sure the user is going to get in or not)?  I've done
some searching on Google, Sourcebans and Sourcemod forums, but haven't
had much luck (mostly because I'm not sure what terms I should search

I know this isn't a sourcemods help board, but thought some of you
have surely dealt with this already.

Thanks in advance.

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