Well, I don't have any problems. I was just wondering whether I can
improve performance nevertheless since I have read a lot of talk about
topics like 1000hz kernels, pingboost, tickrate...
I just want to provide the best possible experience for the players.

Shane Arnold wrote:
> This.
> Unless you've got network problems on your box, there's really not much 
> you can do.
> _______________________________________________________
> Shane Arnold          -       clontar...@iinet.net.au
> "For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost. For want of a horseshoe, the 
> horse was lost. For want of a horse, the messenger was lost. For want of a 
> messenger, the message was not delivered. For want of an undelivered message 
> the war was lost."
> Mike Zimmermann wrote:
>> Tell your clients to move closer to your location. That's really the only
>> way to lower your ping.
>> -Mike
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Oliver Salzburg <oliversalzb...@web.de>wrote:
>>> I run a box with 4 L4D servers on it.
>>> The average ping is around 30 and I am wondering if I could further
>>> improve it with srcds settings. I never experience any lag when playing
>>> on them but I thought the ping value can never be low enough.
>>> I've read a lot about pingboosts and tickrates on this list so I was
>>> wondering what the general recommendation would be to improve the ping.
>>> Thanks in advance

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