Thanks for the information.  I had never really looked into a way to do 
it automatically and just had a Cron on Fridays to get the weekly 
mutations (once those came out).  I will have to check this out as a way 
to save myself's only 1 server with no forks that friends and 
I use, but whenever I get the $$ for more RAM I'll be adding public 
servers and this will be great!

Logan Rogers-Follis -
Try New Technology Networx -
Owner / IT Consultant

On 7/5/2010 7:34 AM, Kaspars wrote:
> Guys, you are currently trying to reinvent the wheel.
> Thanks to the Nephyrin, there is a nice package called nemrun which does
> the checking for update. The most useful tool from this package is
> srcupdatecheck. You can adopt it to use in your own scripts or just use
> the whole package.
> If the gameservers and the system is owned by you, there is another
> interesting way of dealing with updates which does not require to
> shutdown gameserver for the update period and consumes less space on the
> drive if there is more than one server.
> The scheme would be as follow:
> 1. Firs of all you need a directory with base server files (like
> /game/l4d2_base)
> 2. The real server resides in the different directory and is hard-linked
> to the base files (command to hard link cp -f -r -p -l /game/l4d2_base/*
> /game/real_l4d2_server)
> 3. Create a crontab script which calls srcupdatecheck and depending on
> the output calls steam update tool binary and updates base server files
> 4. Note that when you update base files, they are unlinked, but they are
> not deleted. The real gameserver is left with the old files and the base
> server files get the updated ones.
> 5. When the steam binary completes the update process, the crontab
> scripts calls:
> screen -S l4d2_socket_name -X stuff "quit
> "
> (note: the closing quote is on the next line, because the quit command
> has to end with a enter/return/whatever you call it)
> 6. Gameservers should be started with a custom script like this one:
> while [ true ] ; do
>    # update gameserver files with base files
>    cp -f -r -p -l /game/l4d2_base/* /game/real_l4d2_server
>    # run the server
>    ./srcds_run -norestart ...(rest of your params, without -autoupdate)
> done
> Thats the way i'm dealing with updates. Works like charm. You can also
> use rsync to copy files, because hard-links are sometimes tricky to
> understand :)
> On 2010.07.05. 9:38, Ross Bemrose wrote:
>>     In my experience, Steam updates on Linux are not stable enough to let
>> it auto-update.  Steam skips a package if it doesn't manage to download
>> said package in so many tries.  I've had it happen far too often on TF2
>> where it will update one package but skip another, leaving the server in
>> an inconsistent (crashing) state.
>> This may not be as large a problem for L4D2 because it only has 3
>> packages, 1 of which is rarely updated... but TF2 only has 6 packages, 3
>> of which are rarely updated and it often skips the Team Fortress 2
>> Content package but updates Materials and Dedicated Server.
>> On 7/5/2010 12:14 AM, Jesse Molina wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> I'm going to slightly threadjack here.  I'm a very experienced unix
>>> sysadmin, but I'm a noob to the hlds servers.
>>> On this subject, how do others handle automatic upgrading when there is
>>> a new server update is out?  Is it even wise to attempt auto updating?
>>> I know there is the -autoupdate arg to the startup command, but I'm
>>> under the impression that it's broke, and has always has been broke.  I
>>> might be wrong there though, feel free to set me straight.
>>> So, how do others handle automatic updates to the server app?
>>> And yes, I realize that doing said auto updates may break mods, but hey,
>>> whatever.
>>> Thanks
>>> Eric Riemers wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> Since these mutators are coming every now and then, i need to update all my
>>>> l4d2 instances.
>>>> These are forks so the nicest thing to do is a shutdown, then it updates it
>>>> and done.
>>>> However, I only know that I should telnet to the fork port and type in
>>>> "shutdown"
>>>> Is there a easy way I can setup something in cron to issue a shutdown each
>>>> day?
>>>> Eric
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