I agree...but when the link to sign-up is spread around to every Tom, Dick
and Harry with the ease of joining is the way it is, you will get nonsense
replies and confusion to those that don't understand what is going on and/or
refuse to search around to get the answers they need.

The criteria to enter/join the list and reply needs to be defined better
with whatever means required.

-----Original Message-----
From: hlds_linux-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
[mailto:hlds_linux-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Kigen
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 8:36 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Cc: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] Forum vs. email list

I would be happy with just hlds_announce list. :)

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Fletcher Dunn <fletch...@valvesoftware.com>
>>I am honestly astounded by the amount of people who complain when 
>>people ask for help on help forums or mailing lists. Not everyone 
>>signs up and instantly reads everything, goes through all the 
>>archives, or spends hours researching.
> I'd like to use this comment as a springboard for a discussion about the
format of this list.
> I hear that a few years ago the idea of migrating the email list to a
forum was kicked around.  However, at the time (is this still true today?)
the users of the list didn't like the idea.  it is my understanding that
most server admins prefer:
> 1.) Receiving push notifications.
> 2.) Viewing the list in their email client
> #1 seems like a really compelling advantage (especially for
announcements), while #2 seems like a personal preference, and many people
have the opposite preference.
> A forum has several compelling advantages:
> 1.) Easier to search and find answers to previously asked questions
> 2.) Easier to follow a thread of conversation.  (I personally find any 
> email distribution list to become unreadable pretty much instantly, 
> with all the >>>>'s and broken line breaks that everybody's mail 
> clients and put everywhere.)
> 3.) Easier to modify your post if you notice a mistake or want to clarify
something, rather than making a new post.
> 4.) Easier to delete or move posts if they are spam, rude, inappropriate,
belong in the general TF2 SPUF forum, etc.
> 5.) Easier to ignore an entire thread that you are not interested in.
> Could there be some sort of forum + push notification that would satisfy
what everybody wants?  This list exists to serve you guys, so I'm curious
what everything thinks.  I *believe* most of the guys would find a forum
format (perhaps with some push notification) more convenient.
> It would be good to get some opinions about how people prefer to consume
the information on this list.
> Please chime in.
> Your humble servant,
> - Fletch
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