Well, it's happened. CS:S forked internally, and now requires extra effort
to update. As a result of this, CS:S hasn't been updated in quite sometime.
I would have liked to have never seen this coming, to have been wrong. This
is unfortunately not the case.

This was pretty malicious, and while my disappointment carries no weight, I
Kyle Sanderson.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 7:25 PM, Henry Goffin <hen...@valvesoftware.com>wrote:

> I understand the concern, but it's based on an incorrect assumption. Yes,
> CS:S now stores its own binaries in a different folder. However, it has not
> actually branched away from the Source 2009 engine, and it still compiles
> from the same source code. We have simply gained the option of updating the
> binaries independently, so that for example, if an engine change is
> required for a TF feature but ends up causing a bug in CS:S, we can still
> deploy TF2 without updating CS:S. Updates will continue to come for both
> games, and the engine will be roughly in sync between the two, except for
> periods of instability.
> For example, given the problems with the very latest Team Fortress update,
> I would assume that CS:S admins are quite happy to not be impacted. We will
> still be updating CS:S with all the Source 2009 engine fixes, just not at
> the exact same time.
> From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [mailto:
> hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Kyle Sanderson
> Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 7:13 PM
> To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list; Half-Life dedicated
> Win32 server mailing list
> Subject: [hlds] The Premature Death of Counter-Strike Source.
> So, as some of you may have noticed... The last, and apparently final
> shared Engine/Game update (Manniversary... don't even get me started) moved
> Counter-Strike Source off of Source 2009 and into it's own engine branch.
> This was a deliberate change.
> What does this mean for the end user? No more shared binaries between
> HL2DM, DOD:S, and TF2. If you use MM:S, SM (including extensions), ES, or
> any sort of VSP, the author will now have to compile a binary built against
> the CSS "SDK" instead of Source 2009. This is needlessly increasing work
> for plugin authors. Another issue with this is after the 12th of November,
> 2007 until the 23rd of June, 2010. Fixes were being backported days, weeks,
> or even months after they're more then public knowledge and are exploited.
> A decent example of this is sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo, after 5 months it
> was back ported to Episode 1... That was really gross then, who would want
> it to happen again?
> Just to reiterate how serious this is. On June 25th of 2010, Valve fixed
> the .dll loading exploit on Source 2009 (Which included CSS, thank god). To
> this date (I just remembered this existed from looking at old patch notes
> for OB, there's probably a number of exploits that were never fixed), the
> exploit still functions perfectly on L4D, L4D2 (requires -insecure on the
> client), and of course the older engines. The exploit allows for servers to
> run arbitrary code on clients. This can include anything from infecting
> them via the built in lobby system (they'd have to join a server, if it's a
> versus match even better). From there, the .dll could do something as
> simple as inviting friends to join them to play a match, then start
> downloading and executing code on the client whenever it wants. If CS:S
> wasn't part of the Source 2009 pact, I highly doubt it would have received
> this fix (HL2DM sure didn't have it for three months until it was ported).
> Everyone knows how bad GarrysMod 9 had gotten when GMod 10 came out, this
> can be L4D today and we would be none the wiser.
> What do we gain from this change? Slightly faster download speeds for
> HL2DM, DODS, and TF2 as CSS is no longer part of the update package (Mind
> you it's not like CSS was not the game getting the constant material/model
> updates...). Sure, this is nice. However, killing Counter-Strike Source
> before CS:GO comes out really can't be the goal here, right?
> VoiceHook is already broken because of the last required update, and needs
> to be built against the old SDK for server admins to be able to use it.
> Everything other plugin will follow as the Source 2009 engine continues to
> be updated.
> Hate me if you want for saying this, I haven't told a lie though.
> Kyle.
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