On 02/10/2014 14:15, Frank wrote:
Valve uses the community to make and create all these nice items they are
putting out lately...letting everyone else do their work for them

That was an easy thing for them to do though. Rubbish items are easy to dismiss and you pay the ones that get picked a percentage of money they actually earn in the store.

So it's a bit disingenuous to suggest Valve "lets everyone else do their work" - they pay them
pretty reasonably for it.

You can't do that with servers. Firstly because it requires few skills to run one. There's no barrier to entry. There's barely even a financial barrier these days.

If Valve rewarded server owners then people would all crawl out of the woodwork
to run servers to get that reward. Who then decides who gets it? The
people that connect to the server? Valve? Some arbitrary scoring system?

We've all seen what you do when you decide you need to fight over the same few players, and it's not pretty and it does nothing other than hurt the game for players.

The other side, as I've said many times, there really is nothing to distinguish a good server that an admin can do. You can create a bad server and you can say what a bad server is like - high ping etc etc etc, but there's nothing you can do to the config files
that will make your server any better than anyone else's.

If there's one thing valve have proven it's that you can run thousands of vanilla servers and fill them and they work fine. If anything with fewer problems than many communities have.

Besides, you're not a community of nice people. Why would anyone want
to help you do anything? If you can make money from TF2 servers today you're
on a cushy number. You can't expect Valve to implement some get-rich-quick
scheme for you.

Even if you say "Just want players, not a reward" the argument remains the same. Why should you get players and not valve or someone else? What did you do that was so special? We didn't get a response from Valve on that statue of you that TF2 staff could bow humbly before it on their way into work to remind themselves of who put them where they are today.

Maybe if you offered to pay for it? No wait, get the French to make one,
they'll put it somewhere everyone can see it. That's worked for statues in the past :D


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