> Konrad, I should definitely read Description's chapter Derived Inference
Rules, which seems to be doing much the same
> thing as I was attempting in my post.  I noticed that Gordon & Melham's
book is only mentioned much later and is not in
> your bibliography.  Could that be because Gordon wrote the first first
version of Description?

The HOL4 Description and Logic manuals are essentially taken from the
Gordon&Melham book, and further adapted
as the HOL system has evolved since 1988.

> I do not understand the second proof, on p 46, of Symmetry of equality
SYM : thm -> thm.  I'm including below the proof I
> posted, which I derived from the HOL Light code for SYM  in equal.ml.
 The Description proof is 3 lines long and I don't
> understand it:
> 1. Γ |- t1 = t2 [Hypothesis]
> 2. t1 = t1 [REFL]
> 3. t2 = t1 [SUBST 1,2]
> Lines 1 & 2 are fine, but I don't see what substitution you're performing
in order to conclude t2 = t1.

SUBST is a complex primitive, which John Harrison did away with in HOL
Light. SUBST essentially allows controlled replacement of an equality. What
I believe line 3 says is

   replace some number of occurrences of the lhs of the theorem of line 1
in the theorem of line 2

> I realized I was confused about the nature of the HOL proofs I've been
posting.  My new idea is that my proofs reflect
> a similarity between HOL and FOL that I hadn't realized:

There is very little difference between FOL and HOL: the major data
structures are as follows.

  FOL:              term --> formula --> sequent --> theorem
  HOL: type ---> term ------------------> sequent --> theorem

In HOL, the use of types lets terms of type bool serve as formulas. At the
level of proofs,
every FOL inference has a corresponding HOL inference, plus HOL needs rules
instantiation of type variables and some lambda calculus stuff like alpha,
beta, and eta conversion.


On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 2:27 AM, Bill Richter <rich...@math.northwestern.edu
> wrote:

> Thanks, Rob and Konrad!  I will read Andrews's book and the HOL4
> Description manual.
> Rob, I'm guessing Andrews isn't too happy with the HOL->FOL derivation
> you've argued must be in his book, as he advertised it so poorly.  I'll
> agree with you and Konrad that Tarski, Quine and Henkin are the original
> provers of this result, as Andrews arguably says this in the 2nd paragraph
> of section 1.4 in http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/type-theory-church/,
> which I should not have said was clearly written.
> Konrad, I should definitely read Description's chapter Derived Inference
> Rules, which seems to be doing much the same thing as I was attempting in
> my post.  I noticed that Gordon & Melham's book is only mentioned much
> later and is not in your bibliography.  Could that be because Gordon wrote
> the first first version of Description?
> I do not understand the second proof, on p 46, of Symmetry of equality SYM
> : thm -> thm.  I'm including below the proof I posted, which I derived from
> the HOL Light code for SYM  in equal.ml.  The Description proof is 3
> lines long and I don't understand it:
> 1. Γ |- t1 = t2 [Hypothesis]
> 2. t1 = t1 [REFL]
> 3. t2 = t1 [SUBST 1,2]
> Lines 1 & 2 are fine, but I don't see what substitution you're performing
> in order to conclude t2 = t1.
> I realized I was confused about the nature of the HOL proofs I've been
> posting.  My new idea is that my proofs reflect a similarity between HOL
> and FOL that I hadn't realized:
> In FOL you choose axioms (such as ZFC) and then use the FOL structure
> (quantifiers, inference rules etc.) to both state and prove the theorems
> which are consequences of your axioms.  Obvious differences of HOL from FOL
> is that we have to build the  FOL we need from our much more primitive
> typed LC axioms (e.g. the HOL Light axioms), and we'll then replace "first"
> with "higher."   But the similarity between FOL and HOL is in the informal
> mathematical proof one can give.  In both cases you can define a set of the
> "statements", the proto-theorems.  In FOL, that's I think the wffs of the
> language, and in HOL, there doesn't seem to be a name, but I called them
> the proto-sequents, the ordered pairs (Gamma, t) where Gamma is a set of
> terms (assumptions) of type bool, and t is a term of type bool.  HOL has
> inference rules for deducing that a proto-sequent is actually a sequent.
> The is 3-line Description proof above and my longer proof below are
> supposed to prove the existence of S!
>  YM-type sequents.
> So the similarity is that in both FOL and HOL,
> 1) You can define a set of statements to study (wffs and proto-sequents).
> 2) It's a mathematical question of which of the statements have formal
> proofs using the axioms and inference rules (and so are are provable
> (theorems or sequents).
> 3) We can try to give informal mathematical proofs wffs/proto-sequents are
> actually theorems/sequents.
> Now with ZFC/FOL, everyone says that informal mathematical proofs are much
> more readable than formal ZFC proofs.  So why shouldn't the same be true
> for HOL?  Perhaps it's even true that informal mathematical proofs of the
> FOL rules of HOL are quite easy to understand, while understanding the
> formal proofs is no easier than reading the source code of our proof HOL
> assistants HOL Light, HOL4, ProofPower, HOL Zero.
> --
> Best,
> Bill
> Here's my HOL->Math translation of the equal.ml code for SYM, followed by
> the actual code
> Theorem AP_TERM:
> For all terms f, x and y and for all sequents
> A |- x = y
> we have the sequent
> A |- f x = f y.
> Proof:
> By axiom REFL, we have the sequent
> |- f = f.
> Now apply axiom MK_COMB to this sequent and our assumption, noting that
> A ∪ ∅ = A.
> \qed
> Theorem SYM:
> For all terms l and r and for all sequents
> A |- l = r
> we have the sequent
> A |- r = l.
> Proof:
> For precision, let α be the type of l, which is also the type of r.
>  Applying =:α->α->bool to our assumption and using theorem AP_TERM, we have
> the sequent
> A |- (= l) = (= r)
> By axiom REFL we have the sequent
> |- (l = l).
> Applying axiom EQ_MP to these two sequents, we have the sequent
> A |- (= l) l = (= r) l
> since A ∪ ∅ = A.  We rewrite this as the sequent
> A |- (l = l) = (r = l).
> By our REFL sequent above, axiom EQ_MP and A ∪ ∅ = A, we're done.
> \qed
> let AP_TERM tm th =
>   try MK_COMB(REFL tm,th)
>   with Failure _ -> failwith "AP_TERM";;
> let SYM th =
>   let tm = concl th in
>   let l,r = dest_eq tm in
>   let lth = REFL l in
>   EQ_MP (MK_COMB(AP_TERM (rator (rator tm)) th,lth)) lth;;
> I couldn't undertand this code until I looked at the on-line help:
> # help "AP_TERM";;
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> AP_TERM : term -> thm -> thm
> Applies a function to both sides of an equational theorem.
> When applied to a term f and a theorem A |- x = y, the
> inference rule AP_TERM returns the theorem A |- f x = f y.
>       A |- x = y
>    ----------------  AP_TERM `f`
>     A |- f x = f y
> Fails unless the theorem is equational and the supplied term is a function
> whose domain type is the same as the type of both sides of the equation.
>   # NUM_ADD_CONV `2 + 2`;;
>   val it : thm = |- 2 + 2 = 4
>   # AP_TERM `(+) 1` it;;
>   val it : thm = |- 1 + 2 + 2 = 1 + 4
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> val it : unit = ()
> # help "SYM";;
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> SYM : thm -> thm
> Swaps left-hand and right-hand sides of an equation.
> When applied to a theorem A |- t1 = t2, the inference rule SYM returns
> A |- t2 = t1.
>     A |- t1 = t2
>    --------------  SYM
>     A |- t2 = t1
> Fails unless the theorem is equational.
>   # NUM_REDUCE_CONV `12 * 12`;;
>   val it : thm = |- 12 * 12 = 144
>   # SYM it;;
>   val it : thm = |- 144 = 12 * 12
> The SYM rule requires the input theorem to be a simple equation, without
> additional structure such as outer universal quantifiers. To reverse
> equality
> signs deeper inside theorems, you may use GSYM instead.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> val it : unit = ()
> #
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