
Sorry for disturbing again, but I met new difficulties when proving
theorems about relations.

Suppose I have the following simple recursive datatype and a "sub formula"
relation about it:

val _ = Datatype `form = atom 'a | dot form form`;

val (subF_rules, subF_ind, subF_cases) = Hol_reln
   `(!(A:'a form). subF A A) /\
    (!(A:'a form) B C. subF A B ==> subF A (dot B C)) `;

Now I need to prove this goal: `!A a. subF A (atom a) ==> (A = atom a)`.

I have successfully proved some theorems about relations defined by
Hol_reln, but this one brings some difficulties that I never met before.

The main problem is, "atom" never appears in the definition of Hol_reln,
thus I don't have any theorem talking about it.

But I recall the fact that, an inductive relation defines the *least*
relation satisfying the rules, thus anything undefined is by default
false.  I believe this fact has been correctly captured by (and only by)
subF_cases generated from above Hol_reln definition:

val subF_cases =
   |- ∀a0 a1. subF a0 a1 ⇔ (a1 = a0) ∨ ∃B C. (a1 = dot B C) ∧ subF a0 B:

If I do cases analysis on `A`, I got a seeming good start point:

> e (Cases_on `A:'a form`);
2 subgoals:
val it =
∀a. subF (dot f f0) (atom a) ⇒ (dot f f0 = atom a)
∀a'. subF (atom a) (atom a') ⇒ (atom a = atom a')
2 subgoals
: proof

But I still don't know how to prove any of these sub-goals. I have no
useful theorems for rewrite or anything else.  The relation rules only
tells me that, forall A, (subFor A A) is true, but it didn't say anything
about the other direction: (subF A B) => A = B (if A and B are both shapes
like (atom ...)

Also, I even don't know how to prove this fundamental truth about
datatypes: ``(atom A) = (atom B) ==> A = B``, again, I have no theorems to
use ... because the Datatype definition didn't return anything that I can
(directly) use inside a store_thm().

On the other side, Coq proves the same theorem quite simply:

Lemma subAt :
 forall (Atoms : Set) (A : Form Atoms) (at_ : Atoms),
 subFormula A (At at_) -> A = At at_.
 intros Atoms A at_ H.
 inversion H.

Need help ...


Chun Tian (binghe)
University of Bologna (Italy)
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